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Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

It is of major concern. Every year about this time, the Christ increasingly more so neglected from what should be His own special season. The "Merry Christmas"es fewer and farther between in lieu of the more generic "Happy Holidays" and "Season's Greetings" et al.

Not that there is anything inherently wrong with such well-wishing, of course, it is just too nonspecific, what with Jesus being the reason for this particular season after all.

Morons, the lot of them who carry on like that raising such ruckus about whatever nefarious collusion being pulled off against Christmas. I'm kind of embarrassed for them really.

But still the Christian cartel battles on each year against this pretended war on Christmas, all their blathering mostly paid no mind excepting the fanatic fringe. Like this one Marsha Boggs character, who it seems thought that so much hot air was just not enough.

Effecting her entrepreneurial know-how, enter the CHRIST-mas tree (dutifully all capped and trademarked, adjustable up to 7.5 feet tall to accommodate various ceiling heights, ornaments sold separately.)

After being born again a few years back, Marsha got to realizing just how appalling the secularization of Christmas, and so "that's why we have created products that remind people what the Christmas season is really all about - the birth of Christ."

Because nothing says "Happy Birthday, Jesus" like stuffing into a tree a likeness of the contraption turned to for carrying out His excruciatingly torturous death. The only thing missing I can tell would be a crown of thorns for the tree-topper.

One can not argue that this atrocity doesn't at least indisputably succeed to put Christ back into Christmas, albeit rather crammed in there. I suppose the masses queuing up to buy will postpone until Easter dusting off the Nativity figurines.


  1. I suppose churches might find this useful. But in a home? If I were to walk into someone's home and see that monstrosity I would immediately think I was in the presence of weirdness.

    But on second thought, inasmuch as the "reason for the season" is likely not at all on the minds of Christians as the wrapping paper is being ripped from the presents, it might serve a purpose at that.

  2. Thanks for starting my morning with a smile Dad. :) Although I honestly can't stand when I say "Merry Christmas" to people and they make an obviously rude point to override it with a "Happy Holidays" (making it not-so-happy after all) that thing is indeed a monstrosity. I'm pretty sure if Cindy-Lou Who had only known that this tree existed, even Mr. Grinch himself would have spared her.

  3. Doug, if you're like me it would go beyond just thinking you were in the presence of weirdness, it's just way too over the top. Seems more like something The Onion would satire. And actually, is that possible, them pulling something over on the legit press? God, I hope not ... it's just too bizarre not to be true. Plus then I'd feel a fool.

    Megan, good to see you around, smiling no less! I personally don't care what people care to say, I say whatever happens to come out at the time. Just don't like the Christmas fanatics all up in arms because, well, others believe differently or not at all, so what the hell? As far as I can they're not so much trying to steal Christmas away from anyone as the Marshas out there trying to force it on everyone else.

    Diane, freaky is always the funnest. :-)

  4. LOL! I think happy holidays covers everyone.

  5. Christmas Shmistmas. We don't "do it" anymore. Been a few years now and it's really nice that it is not about gifts, decorations and visits that are no fun anymore. Actually? Not celebrating Christmas? Feels so much more Christmassy to us. :-)


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