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Maybe God and Allah Need to Talk

It amounted to a slap upside the head to Muslims everywhere when last month Switzerland voted on and with majority rule banned putting up any more minarets at the Muslim mosques there.

Seems the Swiss Christian voters felt a bit disquieted about Islam being spread too much. The right-wing group that had drawn up the “Yes for a Ban on Minarets” referendum was gratified.

“It’s fine to build minarets in a Muslim country, not in Switzerland. I’m strictly against that,” said one unemployed electrical fitter.

Muslim groups not so happy. One of Egypt’s top Muslim clerics called the decision “an attempt to insult the feelings of the Muslim community in and outside of Switzerland.”

In October, Muslims chucked stones at Christian workers in Egypt who were on the job to raise a steeple and add a bell to their Christian church.

More recently in a Cairo suburb rioting began after Christians renovated a factory and held mass there. Rioters carried a banner that read “No to the church” and chanted “There is no god but God” and threw rocks at the police holding them back.

“Of course, they closed us down, but the mosque is open,” said one Christian day laborer. On the other hand ...

“The [Christian] Copts are a minority. Why do they need more churches?” a local café owner said. “There are other churches around. If you have one car, do you need two?”

  • Christians must have full rights defending their religion from non-Christians disseminating their non-Christian religion by having places of worship in Christian lands.

  • Muslims must have full rights defending their religion from non-Muslims disseminating their non-Muslim religion by having places of worship in Muslim lands.
And so there you have it, folks ... easy peasy lemon squeezy. But then again, maybe God and Allah really should have a little talk.


  1. Doubt it would do much good. The Christian God would exclaim the first commandment (thou shalt have no other Gods before me) and Allah would quote back the shahadah (there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). Looks like an impasse to me.

  2. Silly me, I thought the names we mere humans call them, were just words for same great power.

  3. Of course it wouldn't do much good. To Diane's point, talking to One's self seldom is really very productive.

  4. D-Ro,
    Love the look of your site.


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