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Showing posts from December, 2008

Obama's Plate Not Already Full Enough

Day four of the kikes carpet bombing the fuck out of the towelheads, nearly 400 of them dead already. Minus the collateral damage, kids and others who just wished to live out a normal life. Ground incursion the next play, no end in sight and an all out war declared. That's what the chief Jew guy asserted today. Of course those terrorist Hamas folks started it up in the first place what with rocketing haphazardly into the Israeli territory as they seem prone to do, wiping out too their own fair share of innocents and guiltless citizenry, kids and others who just wished to live out a normal life. Cease fire be damned. That's what the chief Muslim guy butted in with the other day. It's open season again betwixt the two, just a matter of time it was bound to happen. No new tale to tell there, never will there be. Just one more heated up side dish on Obama's already full plate of less-than-savory leftovers to nosh on come next month, I'd reckon he should come to the tabl...

Letter From Mom ... Explains A Lot

Letter from my mom, no envelope to go along with but guessing around 1980 plus or minus a year or two. Whenever, here obviously proof of genetics accounting for my propensity for babbling from one gist to a totally off point another, clearly a maternal heritance. Dear Doug, Just a quick note so I can stick it in the box at the post office on the way to church. We're starting at 7 o'clock on Wednesday nights again. The ones that wanted it later haven't been coming anyway. Ha! Just to brief you in. Last Friday afternoon, I took Don to Independence Center to meet Mary, Denise and Dana. He went with them to get Jim and Keith at work (Keith helped Jim last week) then they all went to the Royals' double-header. And guess what I did! I spent the night with Eve. We had such a good time. Dwight and Heath had gone to Alabama, and Chad spent the night with a friend so it was just Eve, Tif and me. Saturday I made five pints of relish and two pies and a cobbler. That evening your da...

I Hate Walmart, So I Love This Story

I detest Walmart anyway, utterly reprehensible in my opinion for so many considerations. I refuse to shop there despite lowest prices every day and always, even for some of them thar mostest fantastic of sales. That's why I find such delight in stories such as this, one more item on my list of whys and wherefores my boycotting. From some Walmart Supercenter in Connecticut, a local guy there bought a buttload of $10 gift cards to pass out arbitrarily to the store's Christmas shoppers as they came in, his own spin on putting into practice random acts of kindness. Cool idea, until he was ordered by management to stop doing that after the employees noticed him handing over the cards to unwary strangers. Scary the concept of wanton holiday gifting apparently. Barry Goldberg said he had bought them, all $1,300 worth of the gift cards, to give away as a gesture of goodwill for handing out to customers in the store's lobby. “ I figured let me see if I can’t make a difference in peo...

Wrong of Me I Know, My Cynicism Showing

Britain’s Court of Appeal overturned a lower court's ruling already having decided that a certain guy, Stephen English, was not entitled to file a homophobic harassment charge against his former employer because he is in fact married, ipso facto totally straight. Now though he's good to go on legally pleading his beef, so to speak. The English guy filed his original complaint alleging homo harassment that began when his co-workers discovered he had been educated at a boarding school and also that he lived in Brighton, apparently like Frisco's sister city from across the pond. Who knew about the boarding school connection, but okay, apparently the both together screaming gayest of the gay. Anyway, somehow I find this amusing, both that this married lady-loving guy cared as much to be so offended and then quitting his job even over some name-calling and taking the matter before court in the first place. Also that when they obviously rebuffed his hoped for ruling, to go ahead ...

Baby, It's Cold Inside

Right now it's about 4 degrees here, windy and the feel-like temp down already to minus 15, and it's only just after 10pm. Predicted to dip to around zero or below later on with wind chills down in the negative 25 degree ballpark. Tomorrow only if we're lucky up to about 8 degrees plus, but windier even so that during the day that we'll be having zero minus 35 degrees the chill factor in the afternoon. Finally then, tomorrow night colder still with negative actual temps and feeling like some number I can't count so low. Have I mentioned, this of all years so cold and I have no heat in my house? I swear to God, if not for Mom bringing out a couple of space heaters I'd be already stock-still hardened over from head to toe! Lifesavers those are, the space heaters. Not the really fancy shmancy kinds that actually could heat up an entire room, nothing like that. Rather the sort that you have to literally toe up to and hunker over until your kneecaps catch fire while ...

No Rick Warren, But Not For Why You Think

Yesterday I wrote a post, but did not publish it, about why even me being a gay guy and everything still not understanding all this huff about Obama's selecting anti-gay preacher Rick Warren for the inaugural beseeching of the Almighty for auspicious divine guidance on behalf of Barack from day one of his new job. I mean, I honestly do not dislike Rick Warren. His Purpose Driven Life book is the second all-time bestseller next to only the Holy Bible, and he does have some particularly excellent worthwhile perspectives about a lot of things in that. I might go so far as to say that not only do I not dislike him, I actually kind of do like him. I could explain why but that's not my point here. Then, however, while pecking away at the keyboard and remembering and listening again to his commentaries categorizing my own sexual orientation alongside that with the pedophiles and maybe those fucking their own sisters (or brothers, I suppose, whichever), everything just short of engagi...

Enough Guilt To Go Around

All righty, I said I am done here but this story pissed me off so much I couldn't just leave without venting. This whole thing has too much kindling getting my dander all fired up to not have to point it out. I don't think that really made much sense, but anyway. So last November here in the big city (that would be over a year ago in 2007) this local guy Wilfredo Pujols got drunk and drove. Hard to believe, I know, but yes some of us idiots still do that sort of thing despite all of the PSAs and stuff warning about how bad. Anyway, he accidentally while under the influence bashed into some other car en route to wherever he was headed and that car then ending up in his way, rammed it a second time knocking through a clear path though, like you do. Well then, that was certainly worthy of someone phoning in a report, so it wasn't too long thereafter that the cops were called upon and soon spotted his intoxicated and veering self later on, giving chase! The high-speed highway ...

"Seal up your lips, and give no words but mum." - Shakespeare

I have become way too wordy lately, I realize that. Wordy, verbose, prolix, diffuse (thank you Sirs Merriam and Webster for those synonyms) ... basically I simply always am using way more words than necessary to pass along my random thoughts about whatever happens to be going on within my own warped head. And there I go again, see what I mean? I know, it's ridiculous! It has just become my latest bad and exceedingly annoying habit. I can't seem to keep it in check as is sadly business as usual for me. I blame it largely on my most recent addiction to the podcast thing, being long-winded does not lend itself over very well to the follow-up blog post. So here's the deal, I've conducted a personal intervention with me, myself and I, and have decided on shutting up completely for the time being, quitting everything cold turkey. It's for the best probably. Although I might need to break some fingers to manage staying away from the blogging, keeping them intact long enoug...

Dedication to Myself and Certain Others

See how over there in my scant blog author profile I did at least manage to add in the Carpe Diem thing despite my being too lazy for much of anything else? That's because it is my own particular catchphrase, pretty much sums it all up for me. Seize the day. Even though I often sometimes might need to be reminded myself, and that is why the incentive for and the meaning behind every single tattoo I currently have permanently inked onto my person ... always a constant affirmation in fact for me being here in the first place. The smell-the-roses-count-your-blessings-live-like-you-were-dying-the-past-is-past-today-is-the-first-day-of-the-rest-of-your-life-or-you-could-be-dead-tomorrow sort of hint to me personally kind of reminding. And for certain others, too, you know who you are. That was then, this is now, tomorrow may never come, blah blah blah, but like this song says best to simply live, laugh, love just for today. God, I'm getting sappy. I'll be bitchy again tomorrow t...

Gay Hooky Day

Sorry to disappoint my fellow homos, some of which will no doubt be on board with this whole deal and probably even participating, and fabulous best wishes for them all. You go, boys and girls! But this "calling in gay day" for tomorrow is just flat out embarrassing to me personally. Exactly how is this making any point supporting the gay marriage thing, the impetus for this entire nationwide game plan? Ah, that's right, it doesn't really at all. It accomplishes nothing toward that end, of course, despite that being the original issue providing the instigators their Eureka! moment of deciding to rally together all workerbee Ls, Gs, Bs and Ts to validate just how reliant their companies are on them showing up in order to stay afloat... the " Day Without a Gay " scheduled for mañana I suppose is meant to make at least that much clear. But a stupid approach and bad idea overall just the same. Mostly meaningless, though, are the extraneous bits of the planned ...

Incredible Chile Dog

This surveillance video from some highway in Santiago, Chile, shows what is apparently a not uncommon plight on that city's roadways. As a consequence of an over population of homeless dogs in that city, it's pretty much the norm seeing dogs as roadkill and often being run over. That is disturbing to me (I'm a dog person big time!) So it is upsetting watching this video of one very unlucky guy getting hit not just once at highway speed, but then tossed about and clearly surviving only to be run over again trying to get safe, finally winding up motionless in the middle of the freeway. That's very sad, but what makes this exceptional and a video well worth watching just the same is seeing then a canine buddy putting his own life at risk right thereafter, only in a final attempt at rescuing his pal, dodging traffic himself and then dragging his amigo across the way off to the side of the road. For the hit pup it was unfortunately too late, he didn't make it. Still I co...

Dog Paddling in a Sea of Glaring Inanity

The most job losses last month seen than in the last 34 years. More folks receiving unemployment checks ever now since 26 years ago. Ten million unemployed, not including of course the seven million not really unemployed but working only part time from necessity so therefore ineligible for that tallying. Oh yeah, and the nearly three million who have just given up on even ever finding a job and not looking anymore (hand raised here) and those also whose unemployment benefits to tide them over have expired, too (other hand up) who don't count either. And still only just yesterday W. used the word "recession" for the first time. Really? Lame duck whatever, more like eight years of lame ass. Trillions in bailouts to the already rich guys, blank checks written with no accountability whatsoever to this or that corporation while some of the rest of us are sinking so far down we don't have a clue which way might even possibly be up and we still the ones expected to pay for t...

Just Shut Up Already

Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, John Legend,, Beyonce, Pussycat Dolls, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, T.I., Rascal Flatts, Lady GaGa, Alicia Keys. Finally my aunt and my grandmother, shut up. Yeah, they all annoy me for one reason or another, sometimes for no reason I can put my finger on really, and there are so many more names but this handful of persons comes to mind straightaway. Maybe I'm just cranky, it is after all only about twenty degrees here with a wind chill around tenish or so right now and still early overnight, and having no heat, I'm feeling somewhat less than warm-hearted (or for that matter any other warm parts) right now. I guess this sampling of irritant persons is called up right off the bat because each has at some point over the past couple of days been in my face somewhere somehow grating on what I think to be my last good nerve. Then the next one comes along and finds yet another leftover raw nerve. (Why no politicians nor right-wing pundits made the lis...

Kindergarten Trivia, Another Lame Ass Post

I hate when clicked pictures on blogs by default are set to link to the image source. I myself always dig down to tweak the HTML code so that the pics I upload here are non-clickable. If I wished to exhibit a collection of random images, I'd set up an album on flickr or some such. Personal pet peeve of mine, that irksome template coding. But hey, this time do feel free to go ahead and click the picture, though it bugs me that I still had to recode the thing to open up a new window (or tab depending on whatever one's browser settings.) You really must see this full-sized for reference purposes, my 1968 Kindergarten class yearbook picture page! Having faces to put with the inside scoop of what I recall about my fellow kindy gardeners ... I'm quite sure this will be most captivating for everyone. Just bored today is all, "breaking news" burnout here. Give me a break. Mrs. Keith - Always wore plaid it seemed, orange and brown variety. David Betzel - Grew up to beco...