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Showing posts from October, 2008

Too Many Zs

Maybe it's because I've been sleeping for most of ten hours every night lately, but I think that possibly after a certain amount of hours the brain must get totally whacked on dopamine or something. Weirder dreams than usual, even. I think I should figure out how to set my alarm again since I haven't needed to do so for so long now. Last night (or actually this afternoon probably, since I didn't even go to bed until dawn) a flaky dream that scared the crap out of me. The subconscious goes loco apparently when left for too long to its own devices. It concocts some weird shit, probably really just trying to get your lazy ass out of bed. And it does work. They are always so real, too, the dreams! But as of late I've found myself regularly being a potential murder victim by an array of methods, makes me uncomfortable. Creepy is what it is. I generally panic at the last minute and wake up, and who then would want to go back again to sleep after that? Sequels usually suck...

Ads Overload

First of all, since I happen to live in one of those battleground states, I'm probably more so constantly bombarded than others more lucky with all of the political ads on both sides, inevitably back to back. But also it's worse here even, since our metro area straddles state lines. I've lived on both sides, and can even now from here walk into Kansas. The problem is that all local stations, of course, in covering the entire viewing area are ad nauseum airing ads from every candidate from both parties from both states for what seems to be dozens of offices up for grabs. Oh my God, I swear I don't even know what might be on sale this weekend at the Price Chopper what with every paid for commercial minute allocated to the political aspirants. Damn. I'm so tired of it all, but there is some funny stuff sometimes. And they all lie and make shit up anyway, or at least halfway lie, crossing fingers that there might be enough stupid constituents out there (which unfortunat...

Seven Days To Change

So I was watching on PBS this evening about the war crap, I don't recall which show, not that anyone watches public broadcasting with fattest losers and dancing fools on at the same time anyway. Whatever, I watched ... and it pissed me off all over again, just when we've all forgotten about anything other than our me me me 401(k)s and bank accounts and shit. Remember the wars? Remember how Bush has so fucked the world over these past several years? Or if nothing else, with our short-term memory disorder, at least why you've become suddenly poor? If you're not a complete idjit, you will at least, I would hope, take the time to go vote away next Tuesday the reason for this country's downward spiral. Which, by the way, will require voting for Obama. If you're a McCain supporter, sorry, no disrespect, but please just stay the fuck home. Don't risk missing elimination night of the shittiest dancer or which fatty might go home. The lines at the polls will be too l...

Things I Wonder Why

Why buy salsa when it's cheaper, better, and so fucking quick and easy to just make your own? Same thing with guacamole. And hummus. Yum, by the way, on all three accounts. Why is it now almost frowned upon to not have that electronic map screen in your car with that bitch also yapping about how to get from point A to point B? They're called maps, people, and they cost about a buck for a good one. What else. Oh yeah, and speaking of cars, do you really need that DVD player and the game console for the backseat youngster riders-along? Give the kids a book, for God's sake. It's not like their fat asses aren't already spending too much time with that other shit already in the living room at home. To bitch more, all of these advertisements about how "fantastic the savings" to buy direct from some wholesale distributor warehouse around here (probably just a local thing.) When this one couple went to remodel their kitchen, for example, fantastic the savings when...

Beautiful Sunday

I know it's officially Monday already but I'm just now going to bed. But what a fantastic day today, even though the world sucks, the economy sucks, my life sucks, I have no heat, I have no job, and the Chiefs lost again (no real surprise there, really.) Still, life is good! Don't know why I'm just feeling all grateful and such today, and I'm not even being sarcastic for a change. Hitting the sack now, but hope you all had a beautiful day, and here's to a great week ahead! Daniel Boone - Beautiful Sunday

Crazy Kraut, Sicko Me

A farmer in Germany who was convicted of murdering his dad and mom has lost his appeal against a life sentence. Damn the luck. He bashed his father's skull open back in 2000 but said Dad had only been kicked upside the head by a rogue cow, and you know how that most definitely would leave a mark. Then after four more years, later on strangled his mother and said she just, well, had died in her sleep for no apparent reason. No one suspected anything awry. Shit does happen, I suppose. Anyway, the nail in the coffin, so to speak, was when he was charged a year later with chopping up an elderly neighbor who had died of natural causes and feeding the meaty bits to his own pigs. He thought he could lay claim to the dead guy's pension somehow. So since that scheme didn't work out quite as planned and he got caught, he came clean that, yeah, it was he who had actually whacked in Dad's head, finally clearing the bovine reputation. He said that he just was too impatient to inheri...

Slammin' Sarah

I was watching this video today, two young ladies from Alaska being interviewed about their thoughts on Sarah Palin. I'm not an idiot, I'm aware one can no doubt also find some big Palin fans out there explaining how much she rocks, but I thought a couple of the comments from these gals were mostly just entertaining for me. Because I'm admittedly biased, of course. Anyway, with all of the hype about Sarah being the country's "most popular governor" in forever apparently, and a main reason why she was selected by McCain in the first place (that and also that she has the boobies, of course) when asked about the reasons she was so popular the answer from young lady number one, " It's honestly because the governor before her, Murkowski, was a corrupt slimebag ... there's no reason to think that she's a good governor because she has high popularity. Alaskans have very low standards for their politicians ." I thought that was funny. And then ...

Don't Give Me Any Shit, OK?

First of all, I am sick of politics. Even though I'm a junkie and spend countless hours still keeping up on whatever shit is going on, it's getting pretty tiresome. A time machine that might handle a couple of weeks into the future would be much appreciated right about now. So screw all that. Yeah, I like the dick magnet and being too drunk too fuck stuff even though I got hassled via email whenever I went there with those kind of posts, but I also got just as much similar crap when I went all Jesusy on your asses, which is what I am doing today. Whatever, bring it on. This is a fantastic song. Mercy Me - I Can Only Imagine

I Think, Therefore I Am Not An Idiot

When I was in Junior High I joined up for Debate class, which I'm quite certain is no longer a curricular option these days no more so than the Latin class I took in High School. No wonder we have such an overwhelmingly majority idiot populace these days. It won't happen, but I think a class in debating should be mandatory. Here's why. Given a topic, any topic, and being assigned to argue one way or the other forces you to explore both sides of whatever the argument. You have to. First and foremost to defend whichever your appointed position on the issue, but also to consider the other side of the bone you're picking with your opponent in order to be able to rebut whatever point he or she might contest. I have no problem with anyone who might dissent with me about any issue, I don't ... as long as they can justify the why of their thinking even if I disagree. Most often that usually doesn't happen, though. Just because they truly can't explain the why of the...

Seventeenth Birthday, Funerals and Murder

Little wonder I'm so weird. It's genetic, totally out of my control. In going through that box of old letters and miscellany from when I was a kid spending summers in the boondocks , I ran across a card sent for my seventeenth birthday from my great-grandmother with also an enclosed letter (the Gran B of my earlier post .) The card was cool. The letter though is somewhat disturbing now that I look back on it, considering that it was intended as part of wishing me a happy birthday. I loved my Granny Bolian , born in 1894 and this was from 1979 so she was old already, but still. The message written inside the card, very nice: "Here's to my dear great grandson with lots of love and the very best of everything for many more birthdays! Have a nice day, from Granny Bolian" . Okay, moving on then to reading the birthday letter tucked inside: "Hi to all! Hi Douglas! How are you? Hope you are fine. I'm no good as usual, and can't hardly write, just hope you c...

No Laughing Matter

"Whose picture is on a Susan B. Anthony dollar?" "I have no idea." "How much is a Susan B. Anthony dollar worth?" "I don't know, ten dollars?" "Is there such a thing as a two dollar bill?" "Yes, I have a couple, actually. Is that how much that Susan B. Anthony dollar is worth?" "You said ten dollars ... so how many two dollar bills would it take to equal a Susan B. Anthony dollar?" "Four, yeah, four." I paraphrased from having heard it just now without my transcription tablet handy, but that was the gist. Leno and his Jaywalking segments always seem to get quite a laugh. I personally never find riffraff imbecility very amusing, actually rather frightening instead.

My Favorite Artist

To answer the question, You-Know-Who: My favorite artist would be the late and great Keith Haring with Henri Matisse coming in a very close second. Although I'm a fan of many others as well, those two would be at the top of my list. Since nobody's reading so much these days anyway I figured I might as well just answer that one right here instead. Usually not big on the pop art thing, I never even cared much for Warhol's stuff. Haring obviously is the exception.

Watch Your Step

"Abut" means to border on, like something siding up next to your property that isn't your own and that you have really nothing to do with whatsoever. It ain't yours to have to deal with. Unless you happen to live here in my neck of the woods. Not so uncommon elsewhere either, at least that's what the powers that be claim. Like when the curb at the street in front of your house that the city cast or that public sidewalk poured alongside, if they start requiring some maintenance because of sinking or crumbling or whatnot then ownership apparently gets passed off to you the abutted homeowner. Not only to have to deal with, but even obligated to fix it up on your own dime. City ordinance says so. This local guy recently called in to report that the sidewalk in front of his house was sinking and asked for them to make the repairs. Believe me, it's not uncommon some pretty hazardous walkways around here, I've tripped up many times but that could just be me. Any...

Just An Ordinary Day

Alrighty then, a year ago to the day the Dow hit an all time record high of 14,000-plus and now we're only at 8,000 and some change, lowest in forever. Well, not forever maybe, but in a long time. And seven days in a row with the plummeting so far, still counting. Meanwhile you all are paying out over a trillion dollars already committed to bailing out the asshole unruly idiots and even providing hundreds of millions of dollars take home pay for some after them getting fired, not to mention footing the bill for these loser companies' employee vacations at nearly half a mil a pop. Anyway, my point is, you know what? Yeah, things suck. Probably will for quite some time, actually, and surely there's much justified and warranted worry and concern, I understand that. Bottom line, though, not to belittle the mess of things or whatever, but at least it wouldn't hurt to also remember that not only will things eventually get better but that just appreciating every ordinary day f...

Speaking of Asses

Church of England priest Peter Mullen, chaplain for the London Stock Exchange (who knew?) is sorry now, publicly apologizing about posting on his blog that gay guys should all be forcibly tattooed on ass and chin with locale-appropriate health alerts. Kind of like the caveat emptor blurb on packs of smokes ... or as they're known across the pond, fags. That occurred to me as I was writing it just now, kind of funny. I amuse myself sometimes. “ Let us make it obligatory for homosexuals to have their backsides tattooed with the slogan SODOMY CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH, their chins with FELLATIO KILLS ," what he said. Okay, as much as I enjoy getting tattoos (and I do) I have to admit that I really would prefer not having a hazardous warning label branded onto my ass. Might be a turnoff to some cute guy, making him think twice when I'd rather he not be thinking so much at all. And that chin tattoo thing would just simply hurt like hell, so I'd have to pass on that o...

No Debate, Obama Won

Well, hey, being objective even (which yeah, I am capable of) who can deny that Obama won out big time tonight over McCain? Anyone whose scorecard tallied differently might want to consider figuring out that getting head out of ass thing. I also actually found the debate, for a change, entertaining as well. Another political boner for me, yep. Obama does that to me sometimes, most usually anyway. Not always, but tonight it was good for me, even in McCain's own favored Town Hall venue. Which, by the way, is really rather an arguable description of how it truly went down, so a pass given to McCain's performance for it not being quite what he had most likely hoped for or expected. The greater part of the ninety minutes basically just the typical moderator to candidate format, wherever from the questions. At least without the podiums John McCain could freely waddle around whilst babbling, which he seems to enjoy, so that probably made him happy. Anyway, I hope people watched, good ...

Precious Rant

No musical grand finale or nuthin', just podventing really. It's easier that way sometimes, and also the podcast thing is addictive. Sorry. Here's the real story without all of my bitching and moaning. Too busy griping and rambling, I didn't even mention Precious Doe's real name when it was finally found out - Erica Michelle Maria Green. Here she was still intact from back before the, ahem, accident.

Message to a Friend

I love you whether or not you love me. I love you even if you think that I don't. Sometimes I find you doubt my love for you, but I don't mind. Why should I mind? What is love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway? Can anybody love anyone so much that they will never fear, never worry, never be sad? The answer is they cannot love this much, nobody can. This is why I don't mind you doubting. And maybe love is letting people be just what they want to be. The door always must be left unlocked to love when circumstance may lead someone away from you, and not to spend the time just doubting. Howard Jones - What Is Love?


So Mayor Mel Kuhn of Ark City, Kansas just south of here, joined in on a drag queen contest (?) and performed in blackface as Smellishis Poon with his backup singers the Red Hot Poontangs and won. People are miffed, especially the local NAACP folks. He at first said, " I don't give a damn what people think. It's a bunch of bullshit. All this PC is bullshit ." Also that it wasn't really so much blackface, " It wasn't black, black. It was all really just tan ." He mentioned too that he had no idea what that poon thing meant, and was "mortified" when he found out after the NAACP called him out on it! Justified himself furthermore that he couldn't even pull off a black accent if he tried. I guess tan is all he's got. Whatever. He did offer up an official apology later at the annoyed colored people's website saying he didn't really mean to offend. It was for charity anyway ... poontanging for the foster kids. Personally, I think ...

Vile Me

I do like dirty songs, I do. I don't like censorship, though, I don't. So it really pisses me off on two levels about that, when first of all some of the same songs that I personally enjoy get airplay on the radio, many of them unquestionably inappropriate. I know that, but to believe that all of those kids and anyone else tuned in don't figure out how to fill in the censored bleeps? Please, give me a break. But the other thing that pisses me off more so is when rather than that, because a song is so totally non-airwave friendly and bleeping is not quite sufficient enough, the artists actually do a second completely different "clean" version to cover up the original bad! I don't know why that annoys me so much, but what the hell is up with that? You write it, you sing it, you own it, no compromises however publicly unacceptable the end result. You don't wuss out and water down whatever just to make a buck and some change to properly satisfy the people...

Sarah Let Me Down

Okay, she did all right actually, me trying to be totally non-partisan with the judgment of tonight's performances. Same thing for him, kind of just okay. The last thirty minutes of the entire debate from the whole ninety minutes worth, for both, were their best shining moments, in my opinion. So anyway, despite the presto follow-up analyses from every network pundit on the planet (and I've heard already how she is back in the game and proved to be not so stupid after all, to others pointing out her proclivity to switch the question to whatever other issue if she couldn't answer because she's ignorant ... also how he rocked it in explaining directly and clearly where and why he and the boss stand on things, to him bombing big time instead, not making a strong enough case for his party's own platform!) Fuck the talking heads, I'll make up my own mind. So personally, going back to partisan again, I think Biden presented excellently tonight, and I could definitely ...

Failin' Palin, Cool!

Scary to consider, but it's true ... Sarah Palin really almost makes George W. Bush come across like a brainiac genius leader! Seriously, dudes. If she had been running for President on her own in the beginning, she would have been more so a laughingstock of the Republican party than even that loon Alan Keyes, which is saying quite a lot. He was funnier than hell, though. Comic relief never really such a bad thing, but my God, this woman is actually now in a position to head us all up once John McCain keels over! It's pretty telling when her own party is openly confessing to lowered expectations for tomorrow night's debate face to face versus Biden. Personally, especially following up these recent handful of what-the-fuck-is-she-even-squawking-about? interviews, I think the debate might hopefully be the final nail in McCain's coffin. His campaign's coffin, that's what I meant to say. And God knows he's driven in plenty himself, one would think. Surprisingly...