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Things That Got On My Nerves Today

Veepstakes. Sick of that oh so clever play on words. Literally hours of programming courtesy of every cable television news network, giving face time to their respective assemblage of talking heads speculating which of either candidate's multiple choices might or might not be chosen to understudy in case things should happen to take a nasty turn for the worse at some point down the road.

What reason or purpose even for all this discussion? Total waste of time. We'll know on the candidates' own timetables (or time horizons) whom, so who gives a fuck anyway what these bobbleheads think or why? What does it matter? Of course then, no doubt the opportunity for all the follow-up broadcasting of the same pundits squawking either about how "I told you so" or going on about why such a bad choice if their bets did not happen to pay off.

Also the incessant babble about McCain's stupid-ass and waste of time, pointless ad with the Barack-Britney-Paris celebrity ménage à trois bent. Well, no such thing as bad publicity they say. But time to shut the hell up about this one already. (Although I did enjoy Paris Hilton's own video response put out today, I will have to admit.)

What else. Oh yeah, are you shitting me about how many nutjobs still playing that sophomoric Hussein name game when it comes to Obama? Seems to be particularly prominent in print and online media, which I assume must have proved to be most impactful.

I would like to think that however right-winged, more of these folks might have grown up already than apparently have. It's absurd, and to the highest degree very juvenile. My gag reflex is especially triggered by the trend of so many of them to now simply opt for the "B. Hussein" thing, skipping over those ARACK keystrokes altogether. Of course, that could be understandable, avoidance of having to maybe address how the guy was one of the few who were actually spot on about that whole fiasco from the very beginning.

By the way, my middle name is Lane. Like that one serial killer dude's last name, Adam Leroy Lane. Damn the luck. My presidential aspiration ... right out the window with that.

There's more, but bottom line it's all the same same same day after day after day. I just want this whole thing over with already. November can't get here soon enough for me. Plus I'll have a birthday then too and I do like cake and presents. Bonus month!


  1. Doug R, what do expect the media to cover? It's not as if this country is facing some real important issues. Every thing is just peachy keen!

  2. I have to agree with you about November. It seems this thing has been going forever. I think they jumped the shark when they began talking about Obama's weight as possible advantage.

  3. Yeah, Doug, the weight issue, too. I should have added to the list. Counting the days is all, I just hope it turns out like I hope!

  4. Remember when Elaine dated a guy named Joel Rifkin? She spent the whole eposide persuading him to change his name.

  5. Of course, I remember practically verbatim every Seinfeld episode ever scripted! Don't know why I would admit that really, but yeah! That is excellent, the Joel Rifkin reference. Wish I would have thunk of that. Thanks for stopping in, and thanks also for helping make my point.

  6. My aunt's partner of 60 years was Lane. FYI I think it is a man thing, like fantasty football---guessing who/why/how/blah far they just sound like quacks the more they go on about it. Russia attacks Georgis. Edwards has affair. We are only human and we love to think about humans and their/our lives. Wars are just too far away and we never know enough details to care as much as an affair, we all know someone who had an affair...I'm rely going on and on--read Doug B, you just cussed, bad bad boy!


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