For some reason my circadian rhythm has totally been all out whack lately. Whyever, I've seen dawn break before hitting the sack more often than not the past several days. Therefore, I was still up the other night when, although it had already been practically announced anyway, it became official the Obama-Biden ticket.
I was very excited! Okay, I'll admit I was still thinking maybe a last minute Clinton surprise, but Biden was certainly my next in line fave. I kind of figured it would be him, really, having heard Obama say just the other day he wanted someone who wouldn't basically suck up to him and would instead say so when opinions might differ. And that's without question Joe Biden.
"Fantastic" has become my most recent favorite word to overuse (I have mental issues) so, yeah, fantastic choice this.
Here's what did piss me off, though. Dumbass Ron Fournier of the Associated Press's report about the Biden selection. More so like a freelance op-ed guy this one, in my opinion, rather than so much the Washington bureau chief his official AP title.
Yeah, and of course the Associated Press is the most respected go-to diva of the news source harem. Whatever.
Here an excerpt from his article, Biden Pick Shows Lack of Confidence:
"In picking Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate, Barack Obama sought to shore up his weakness — inexperience in office and on foreign policy — rather than underscore his strength as a new-generation candidate defying political conventions."What it shows is smarts, you Karl Rove cocksucking idiot. I mean, really. Obama has the wisdom to know to choose not only someone who has the foreign policy experience he is lacking and for which he has been slammed, but to hire someone who has the strengths that might make up for whatever his weaknesses.
That's how you do it, moron. I've hired lots of folks over the years, and ultimately what you're looking for in a potential candidate is someone to fill in whatever weakness gaps there might be in the team to make it even stronger. Hey, we all have our strengths and our weaknesses, the key to success being putting together the best of matched mates to complement one another as a whole.
And that's exactly what Obama did by choosing Biden. Does that show lack of confidence? Hardly. I think it just creates a stronger team for moving forward. And I also think that that right wing Associated Press resident dumbfuck Ron Fournier should shut the hell up already, or get another gig somewhere else. Definitely a weak link there in the AP credibility chain.
What irked me was McCain's stirring of the pot with his "why not Clinton?" As if that is really what he wanted!
ReplyDeleteThat's okay, his time is coming. We will see who he picks and then be able to play the second guessing game.
Yep, I can't wait to see who McCain picks next Friday. Turnabout is fair play, after all.