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Loving Porn Stars

I was watching some porn thing today. A documentary (don't know the name, I didn't catch the start of it) on regular TV, not anything like what I might normally happen across on my usual porn forays.

No, this show wasn't even porn at all, but instead about the porn stars themselves and their real life relationships with boyfriends, girlfriends and even some husbandry and wivery going on amongst a few of them! I found it intriguing and disturbing at the same time.

It was interesting, though, how every one of these partnered ladies and gentlemen (or in a couple of cases the gentlemen and gentlemen) seemed to be able to totally distance the sluttier of the two's occupation from their own personal relationship.

How can that possibly be? Almost without exception they all justified it with the standard "at the end of the day, she (or he) comes home to me." Like that's a good thing.

I don't get that at all, personally. I probably really would prefer if after having spent the day grabbing his ankles for and wrapping his legs around any and every other guy but me, my dubious better half should best just consider renting a room anywhere else but here.

Can't really imagine feeling so much like snuggling, whether or not it's at the end of the day.

I guess if it was payday, I might give up a mercy snuggle. Exceptions to rules and all. Any other day of the week, though ...

People are peculiar. But I'm not pointing fingers, that's just my opinion. I found most of the couples to be quite charming, actually.

Indeed, if not for the sex for hire guys where would be my entertainment? And who am I to deem any of these folks undeserving of a real world relationship anyhow?

Whatever works, I suppose. To each his or her own. I still thought it was kind of weird. Of course, most people think I'm weird, too.

Theory Of A Deadman - Bad Girlfriend


  1. There's a nagging feeling in my insides that your post was designed to elicit the words "porn fan." :-)

  2. it might have crossed my mind. that or "dick magnet" from the video. i figured either one would make me happy. :-)

  3. That must be a tough gig, how would he or she know their better half wasn't faking it or acting when they are togther? Wouldn't you wonder about that? It takes a special man or woman to be in such a relationship.

  4. Like I said, I couldn't do it. I guess your way of looking at it as taking a special person to be in such a relationship is probably the best take on it. I'm just not that special. I'd always wonder if they were acting and faking everything. But like I said, I thought most of the couples were charming, and I wish them all well. Not that any asked for my opinion or anything, I'm just sayin'.

  5. I can see it working. There is someone fo everyone. Hint hint, D O U G

  6. Ok, DJ - I do see how it might work for some, just wouldn't work for me. And your hint hint, nah, there's no one for me. I know that, and really okay with that. I just have stalkers and anonymous partners. I know I'm not not relationship-worthy. But thanks for thinking I'm deserving! I guess never say never.

  7. I couldn't do it either. Be in a relationship with a partner who's "day job" was having sex with many. I've seen shows similar as far as the married couples sharing what it's *cough cough* I mean I've HEARD about them..."Yeah, that's the ticket." :)

    I've also "heard" of shows where they talk to men who do what they call "gay for pay." Their wives were on too, SO I'VE HEARD...sharing how it was ok with them BUT there was this one wife? Who was on set with her hub and during breaks and actually during her interview, she seemed, at least to the hub and I...I MEAN TO MY...NEIGHBOR WHO TOLD ME ABOUT IT...she seemed really disgusted with him and when he tried to kiss and hug her, she would freeze and or move...SO I'VE HEARD. :)

  8. Oh Doug! Yes there's some wonderful guy out there just waiting for you to find him. It's just a matter of time... Don't you know. I'm waiting for the day when I'll come on your blog and read about this amazing individual that you've found. What's the saying... Keep hope alive!

  9. I couldn't do it either. If I wanted that kind of life, I wouldn't have gotten married.

  10. Yeah, the whole gay for pay thing is a total joke, I'm just saying. I've admitted before to being with guys who then have to get back home to the wife and kids or girlfriend. I'd say probably about half, you'd be surprised. So gay for pay is just a convenient excuse to get a paycheck, I guess, no really straight guy could I don't think. I feel sorry for their ladies, women are too trusting. Or maybe just stupid.

    And Rain - Nah, that won't happen. I think I'm glad that it won't even. :-)

  11. I missed this video and had to check it out. I heard this on the radio this summer and thought it was Nickelback at first and then the DJ said they were produced by them. I bet Nickelback's lead singer said, "Okay, I want you to sound just like me!"(ha) Since I like Nickelback, I really like this song. He also sounds just like Scott Weiland ala' STP days, especially at 2:14. STP is doing a reunion tour and I'd like to see them again.

  12. I thought it was Chad Kroeger or Nickelback in the beginning, too. I didn't know he had produced them, so no surprise I guess. You're right, too, he does kind of sound like Scott Weiland, hadn't thought of that since Nickelback was the first that came to mind! STP is (or I think already has) played here in town not too long ago, I would have love to see them! Although I think I even prefered Velvet Revolver with Scott than STP, personal opinion there.


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