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Faith Forum Faceoff

I was advised by a friend that I maybe should add some sort of explicit content warning on my blog, a parental advisory thingy.

Yeah, like any kid hasn't ever heard "fuck" before. Or been on the Internets or watched TV or seen a movie or listened to radio ... whatever, okay. Bad words, I know. I'll try to tone it down.

So anyway, what the f*ck with this f*cking faith on trial thing on MSNBC tonight between Obama and McCain to prove who's the bestest Christian ever to rule the world?

I tuned in anticipating being really just totally p*ssed off at both, what with so much blatant pandering to the evangelical constituency. Made myself watch it, though. Okay, I have no life. Nothing else to do, really, truth be told.

I know these evangelical folks are seemingly for whatever f*cking reason the deal makers or breakers when it comes to politics, and what with two most excellent representatives of Jesus' modern day disciples in the finals, I guess it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise for something like this.

All right, so I had low expectations. Very low. Why the h*ll a grilling of who's the Godliest on the issues? I frankly don't care if my future president goes straight to Hell (I think if I capitalize that's probably okay) when he or she kicks it, I just care about what they plan to do while still alive and kicking on Pennsylvania Avenue.

And as an aside ... I am not John McCain's friend, for the record. Despite his apparent belief to the contrary. I wish he'd quit mistaking me for one every time the a**hole opens his mouth. "My friends ... " he's always blathering, starting every sentence it seems. Shut the f*ck up, and quit presuming.

Anyway, I have to say that despite my disgust with the whole churchy interrogation thing, to be honest, that preacher guy Rick Warren did a pretty good job, really. Even if clearly he was a fan mostly so of the old lump-jawed white guy over the hottie big-eared black one. Still he seemed fair, I liked that.

But d*mned if McCain didn't think he was cock of the walk! I know a lot of the conservative Christians were iffy about him, but he sure sucked up to them tonight big time and they did seem nearly spiritually orgasmic! Was it good for them? I think they mostly all needed cigarettes after. Or wanted one anyway. Sin and all.

Most of the pundits' follow-up analyses seemed to grant McCain the blue ribbon for his performance. Personally, despite my loathing of the wherefore of the whole thing, I thought Obama did best, actually.

Even though he did p*ss me off, too, with the pimping to the right and everything. Still, he stuck mostly to the issues with at least somewhat less catering to the crowd. My opinion only, but my head isn't talking on the TV so my two cents don't count for sh*t.

Okay, so anyway. Can we just kick Jesus Christ the f*ck out of this competition altogether, please? Why can't we ever get some out and proud atheist up for the challenge of running for office, and completely forego this kind of sh*t. F*ck the evangelicals anyway.

Don't expect future asterisks, by the way. Sorry, but that whole shift-8 thing so very often, too much of a pain in the a**.


  1. I have a good friend at work who voted for Bush because he was against abortion; my frined has spent the past several years loudly complaining about how Bush is an idiot and the worst president we ever had. Another coworker said he was voting for McCain because he wanted to vote for Jesus. My friend replied that he ought to think about voting for health care!

    The Rick Warren forum creeped me out ever since I first heard it was going to happen. I would rather watch the candidates discuss their views on the Constituiton. Everything I need to know about their religious views could be obtained through a discussion of their understanding of the First Amendment.

  2. I thought the whole Rick Warren thing creepy from the beginning, as well! And then all day (well, I didn't get up until like 4 this afternoon, really, but from then on, all day) up until the thing that's all they were talking about on MSNBC. I was very disappointed there. So anyway, yeah, hopefully ... maybe ... if we're lucky when we have real debates they might just be called on to address their positions on the Constitution and things that matter. I don't give a, um ok being good, about their religious views really. And with all very much due respect to your friend at work, despite my vote cancelling out his (well, I guess his also cancelling out mine), sounds like he's at least got smarts.

  3. Mr. Doug R, LOL! WHAT THE f%*k ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SUCH AN F%%%K! You know I'm kidding. I can take it as well as I can give! I agree with your points on faith.

  4. I know we can both take it and give it, Rain, that's what makes it fun.

    Yeah, the faith issue bugs me, always has about these things.

  5. Ok, first, I didn't know McCain was a Quaker. All his "friends". Or, he is very lonely and hoping. ALSO, I thought Jesus was into sports and sex not politics! (At least that's where I hear his name the most.) Seriously, what if Obama had said, "NO, I believe in the seperation of church and state. DEbate amongst your selves all about Jesus and if he had the hots for Mary M. John can do a one-man play about being a POW; I'm busy running for president of the USA"

  6. Diane - the Quaker thing was funny. I'd guess rather the lonely and hoping thing the reason, really. I wish he would be more lonely with no hope, but it's not all up to me. And yeah, his POWer play for the job is getting on my nerves, too. I thought he didn't want to dwell on that, I guess I misunderstood when he said that somehow.


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