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Obama's Backup

All right, I know I said I was sick of all the media veepstakes speculation and ramblings. But I did hear this evening that apparently Obama is on the verge of announcing his pick! Very excited about that for some reason. If nothing else, it should cut at least in half all the veep chatter, but mostly I just really need to know.

From what I heard anyway, he arrived at his choice last week while getting leied in Hawaii. Apparently the chosen one is still oblivious, however, so I suppose I'll most likely have to wait to find out until after Barack's people have called whoever the other's people, but I do hope they make that connection sooner rather than later.

I don't know why this pleases me so. I think mostly because I've been holding off on a bumper sticker until I can get one with both mates' names. I felt like such a loser driving around town with my John Kerry solo sticker back when, what with everyone else sporting the later Kerry-Edwards printing. I could have upgraded for a buck and some change but I'm pitifully cheap. So I'll patiently wait and see this time around, albeit patience is a virtue I do struggle with.

Shoot me in the head or put me on meds if you must, but I'm personally still crossing my fingers for Ms. Hillary. I think that might just be a winning ticket to bring home the gold this year, which I strongly believe should be the utmost priority here.

Shut up. It could happen. Okay, probably not. Either way, I really can't wait to learn which of the pack will end up pick of the litter.


  1. You know, having had the benefit of time since her offensively bad behavior during the primary season, I have found myself leaning towards Hillary for VP. It was a bloody rift between her and Obama, but hey, if Reagan could forgive and forget G. H. W. Bush's "voodoo economics" bit (and a Reagan/Ford ticket was actually mulled over before that), why not Obama/Clinton? Obama would greatly benefit from having her supporters enthusiastically on board. Not only that, but Hillary does have some impressive credentials that would round out the ticket.

  2. Oh my God, can't believe what I'm reading here, from the "Clintons begone" guy. I spewed my fair shair of crap about the way she handled the primaries, too, but I still think it might be advantageous to the party to have the Obama-Clinton ticket (I like the sound of it.) And I do like her, and without her name there we've got that whole group of crazy bitches who were on her team now vowing to vote for McCain out of spite, and I really don't want that. And like you mention about the Reagan-Bush thing (don't remember Ford being a consideration, interesting) certainly not unheard of and like in the video with Kennedy and Johnson, to overcome (or at least overlook) the difference to come up with a winning ticket. Whatever happens, I have confidence he'll make a good choice.

  3. Saturday the day seems to be the buzz, I'm anxious to know. I'd like Biden a lot, but I specifically heard him say once, pretty adamantly, that he did not want the job whatsoever. He did say if asked, he'd accept, though so that might be promising, too.

  4. Biden or Clark will satisfy me.

  5. Ditto on Clark as well. I'm thinking it will either be Biden despite what he has said, or the "surprise" Clinton. Can't wait.

  6. Hillary would be a slam dunk. McCain is waiting because if it IS Hillary then he will pick a woman too. Pleez just chews! I can not handle this much foreplay.

  7. Diane, I agree Hillary would be a slam dunk! That's why I wish it to go that way. I think there's still a chance, really, after checking out some of the things he's been saying today about it. Then again, I'm not a qualified analyst, so anyway. I agree, though, just choose already! Foreplay is overrated.


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