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I Am A Queen

I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it. Or don't. Suit yourself. I most assuredly am not à la flaming poofter mode (not that there's anything wrong with that ... classic quotable Seinfeld), that's just not me.

Sorry to disappoint, sister-brothers, but, alas, it's true: I'm a gearheaded, power tool lovin', gritty fingernailed kind of a guy. Jeans and t-shirts for me, please.

Unlike some purported "straight-acting" 'mos profiled on sundry M4M online hook-up sites, I'm the real deal. An alternative alternative lifestyle, I suppose. Uncommon, perhaps, but there are some of us out there. We really do exist.

Believe it or not, though, I have on more than one occasion been ostracized by my own people for not being "gay enough." Just this afternoon, in fact, by a former co-worker.

I would have slapped the pole-smoking ass-bandit, but apparently my wrists aren't quite limp enough. Stupid bitch.

Whatever. To most I may seem to be more so a rather kingly queen than not, but I am undeniably a queen nonetheless. I happen to like me "as is" and have no aspiration of conforming to the conventional homold.

I yam what I yam. Fuck everyone else (a girl can dream, can't she?)

India.Arie comes to mind. This is a chick-esteem song to be sure, but the fundamental point itself, in a general and fluid sense, is spot on from any perspective. Good stuff, this.


  1. Most people are so hung up on "pegging" everyone else that they don't spend enough time discovering themselves. I'm not especially mechanically inclined, don't hunt, not big into sports, but am happiest when I am in my books or playing my guitar. I prefer good conversation to most forms of entertainment. I've been accused of being a "girlie man" and a "pretty boy" or other similar things. I quit worrying about that type of thing long ago, and I believe it has made me a better person. I'm with you: I am who I am ... and I intend to be the best me I can be. To quote Shakespeare:

    "This above all: to thine own self be true,
    And it must follow, as the night the day,
    Thou canst not then be false to any man."

  2. I love this song Doug R. As long as you're happy with who you are nothing else matters. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone.

  3. Doug, I HAVE SAME PROBLEM!!I never fit in with the lesbians matter of fact I have never had a lesbian friend my whole life, and I've tried. I am not butch enough for being a butch. I can't fix a car(and don't want to) don't ride a Hog(and DON'T want to.) don't pose or talk like a redneck cowboy or trucker, don't wear boots or leather or oogle women. I don't feel I have to open doors for women, though I open doors for anyone when needed and my worst sin seems to be that I LIKE MEN. I like to hang with them, be friends with them, play cards with them, etc. I don't drink beer, smoke cigars, I'm just not man enough for butch lesbians. My two lovers(I'm a one woman woman)(aother apparent un-butch attitude)and found I am most attracted to bisexual women, and THAT has made me Satan to most gay woman AND men. My partner since we were 21,(29 years soon-"married")is bi, and we are monogamous and deeply in love. But neither of us fit the profile, so my best friend is a gay guy who also oesn't fit in and sounds much like you. He and I joke: I can't fix cars and he can't decorate. We both are writer's and soulmates. I will post one day about the NE other lesbian at my job and how poorly she treated me. Sooo...I feel you. And other Doug is correct--be true to yourself and the rest can eff hemselves if they can't find anyone(which oddly, many who condem me CAN'T, while I have a hot, blue eyed blonde!) SO THERE! They can take their tools and shove 'em. Apparently, minorities trashing on their own is not uncommon. Why can't people enjoy differences? Life would be so boring without US! PS--this very fact is part of why I love both of you Dougs.

  4. That was a problem people thought Obama would have, that he wasn't what some thought an African American should be. I really hate when people try to put others in a box, based on how they look, their sex etc. My views are mostly liberal, but some are shocked when they find out I'm for the death penalty in certain cases and I support parental notification.

    My sister is very non girlie and her partner is very girlie. Her partner is also bisexual and an opportunist. She has left my sister many times for men and other women. She's a real piece of work.

  5. Doug,

    Feel better.

  6. Damn. Don't know where to begin. Yeah, little navigator, I do feel better. Maybe not exactly "better," didn't really feel so bad in the first place, but I do feel pretty damn good knowing I'm not the only weirdo.

    Doug - Reading your comment made me think. I guess I too was probably always considered more of the girlie man always being into books and writing and playing music with little or no interest in sports, cars or all things testosterone when I was younger. These things that are apparently inherit in the straight-boys were completely unappreciated by me until later in life, I'm a late bloomer I guess. I enjoy the mix of it all now, though. Definitely still enjoy my books and writing and playing music and cooking, but these days I also enjoy building a deck and replacing an alternator and watching sports.

    Rainlillie mentioned about Obama, and there was that whole white-enough black-enough thing. I guess I'm not gay enough for the gays, and too gay for the straights. I just don't like the labels, I guess that was my point.

    Diane - 29 yrs congrats!! If I already knew that from your previous writings, forgive me for forgetting. I drink too much, brain cells disappear as years pass. Canned beer, no umbrellas, by the way. :-) I'm apparently more butch dyke than you. Damn, even I can't figure myself out now that I think about it. I think I'd love you guys. And your abnormal gay guy friend. We weirdos have to stick together.


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