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OK, since we've been officially outed, I'll simply come clean. Yes, we really do have an agenda. It's true.

Oklahoma's State Representative Sally Kern (elected Republican ... scary) has apparently figured us out, uncovered our strategy of corruption, ploys to spread ungodly gayocracy all throughout civilized society.

Her entire transcripted exposé following the post. Firstly, though, allow me to validate a few of her key points made.
We, the few who have somehow managed to keep in check our inherent suicidal tendencies, do in fact strive to completely obliterate society (studies show it can be done!)

We have by now succeeded in becoming more menacing to this righteous nation than even the most fervent of terrorists (aka Muslims.)

We have begun expansion of our recruitment program by seeking out toddlers (the "terrible twos" are particularly quick studies) explaining that, despite propoganda to the contrary, the parts really do fit.

Having no personal political aspirations myself, I have deferred infiltration of city capitals to comrades better qualified, who have made unequivocal progress.

We like to metaphorically refer to our master plan as society's toe cancer, a malignancy easily disregarded... until it's too late!
I'll just turn this one over to Ellen now. Since reading about this today, I can't even think straight, not that that's any big surprise.

Watch and listen, it is actually rather laughable.

"The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation, okay. It’s just a fact. Not everybody’s lifestyle is equal. Just like not all religions are equal. The very fact that I’m talking to you like this today puts me in jeopardy, okay.

"I’m not anti, I'm not gay-bashing, but according to God’s word that is not the right kind of lifestyle. It has deadly consequences for those people involved in it.

"It has more suicides. They’re more discouraged. There’s more illness. Their lifespans are shorter. You know, it’s not a lifestyle that is good for this nation.

"It’s a matter of fact, studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades. So it’s the death knell for this country.

"I honestly think it’s the biggest threat, even in our nation. Even more so than terrorists, or Islam, okay.

"'Cause, what’s happening now, they’re going after, er, in schools, two year olds! You know why they’re trying to get early childhood education? They want to get our young children into the government schools so they can indoctrinate them.

"I taught school for close to 20 years and we’re not teaching facts and knowledge anymore, folks, we’re teaching indoctrination, okay.

"And they’re going after our young children, as young as 2 year of age, to try to teach them that the homosexual lifestyle is an acceptable lifestyle.

"You know, gays are infiltrating city capitals. Did you know, Eureka Springs, anybody been there for the Passion Play? Have you heard that the city council of Eureka Springs is now controlled by gays? There are some others, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kensington, Maryland, Vermont, Oregon, West Palm Beach, Florida and lots of other places in Florida. What’s happening?

"They are winning elections, one of the things I deal with in our legislature.

"I tried to introduce a bill last year that would notify parents, er, schools had to let parents know what clubs their students were involved in and the reason I did that bill, primarily, was this: we had the Gay-Straight Alliance coming into our schools. Kids are getting involved in these groups, their lives are being ruined, the parents don’t know about it.

"So I introduced a bill that said you have to notify all the clubs participants’ parents. A colleague said, 'We don’t have a gay problem in my community, that’s why I’m not going to release that bill.' You know what, to me, that’s so dumb.

"If you’ve got cancer or something in your little toe, do you say I’m just going to forget about it because the rest of you is fine? It spreads, okay. And this stuff is deadly and it’s spreading and it will destroy our young people and it will destroy this nation."


  1. I saw Kern's comments the other day and my first thought was that it is literally astounding how stupid some people can be. I don't understand - can't understand - homophobia. I believe the biggest threat we humans face are hate-mongers.

  2. Love Ellen for mentioning this. wonder if she will get to really speak to Kern on the phone. 2 year olds---we old maid aunts are often the ones asked to babysit the rug rats. A world without gay people is a world with breeders who have to CARE for their own damn kids!

  3. The scary part is she can't see how disgusting her remarks are. Sally Kern should be fired. No questions asked. I'm so sick of these hateful people getting away with this kind of crap.

  4. I'm glad Ellen is speaking out. Now that Rosie is no longer on The View, it's important for Ellen to use her platform for more than just entertainment.

  5. "It's important for Ellen to use her platform for more than just entertainment."

    I agree , I just the hope TPTB won't try to silence her the way they did Rosie.

  6. "The Powers That Be"

    Ellen has an advantage here over Ro on the View, in that Ellen really is the power that be. She'll never get as political as Rosie, she admittedly avoids that (altho her political tendencies I think are pretty clear), but she does speak out about some of the issues that hit her close to home, and I do love the way she does so.

  7. Uh-oh....if "It’s a matter of fact, studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades"-does that mean I won't have very much time left in San Framsterdam? And I can't go back to Fl or New Orleans - I think they have a "gay problem" too. Or is it the whole country??? Although, according to South Park on "they took our jobs" the gays will help save our future! Wooohooo!

    Hey, I left a (too long) comment on your last post and my baby niece pushed a button and erased it! Anyway, most people mimicked my thoughts and I like not fitting into a stereotype- but, it really does confuse those with a group mentality.

  8. At least your end of days in San Framsterdam will no doubt be fabulous!!! Loved your South Park reference, that was a good one, but aren't they all? And for future reference, consider child-proofing your keyboard. No post by Erika is ever "too long."

  9. "I like not fitting into a stereotype- but, it really does confuse those with a group mentality."

    I'm with you Erika, which is why I love my blogger family, because each one is a unique, talented, individual.


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