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Hillary Exonerated

I'm not the biggest Hillary fan, and in fact she has progressively drifted further from my good graces as this seemingly eternal campaign season draws out.

Nonetheless, I'll confess to being more than just a bit baffled by all of the flap she's met with since recollecting last week her and Chels's 1996 trip to war-ravaged Bosnia, with all that de-planing sniper fire and such.

I mean, come on ... I may not be a supporter but who, right in the head, would for a moment believe that someone like Hillary would stoop to conjuring up such a "whopper" for political gain? Her irrefutable integrity aside, how could anyone possibly think that she would be so foolish as to ever consider making up such stories that could be so readily disproved?

Of course, they tried to sully her reputation, running video footage of a "seemingly" most normal, sniper-free de-planing with what one might even consider to be a ceremonious welcoming. A perfect example of right-wing editorial conspiracy fixed on besmirching the Clinton name, in my opinion.

Fortunately, however, raw and clearly unedited footage of the actual event has been dug up. After watching, if anything, I'd argue that the video instead speaks to Hillary's humility in not recanting just how truly a sticky wicket the situation was, and in not touting her own courage under fire.

I may be rooting for Obama, but I've got to say that the lady is surely packin' some balls in them thar pantsuits.


  1. It did seem too "out there," for a seasoned politician like HC; and I must agree she has balls just for putting up with Billy for so long.
    How does one forget being fired upon? She certaintly shot herself in the foot; imagine what McCain would do with it.

  2. A misspeak courtesy of sleep deprivation, so the story goes. Methinks she needs a power nap from time to time. As far as what McCain would do with it, I hope we don't ever find out, but I'm sure that would be a weapon of choice in his "beat the bitch" arsenal.

  3. Doug,

    I thought you were serious,until I watched the video. I listened to the Ed Schultz show, and this guy called in claiming he lived in the "hood"
    his words not mine... anyway he said that once he was shot at, and he remembered what he he was wearing, the license plate number of the car he jumped behind and the time of day.
    In other words if you're fired upon, you won't forget it.

  4. Hey Doug, this is OT, but I was waiting for you to return and post something shocking about yourself-ha! Like you, I tried to consider what I could actually post within acceptable limits, but now that I've shared Rain's blog with my son.... Well, I'm not into censoring so much and he knows a lot, but on the brink of being a teen I want to wait on some stuff-ha (I don't want to provide him with ideas!). Your daughter sounded cool in your comments- were you always very open with her?

    Also, are you going to post music videos again in the future? Because you know I love your taste. Oops, that sounded nasty.

  5. Rain, you crack me up! I like it when you think I'm being serious about something when I'm actually being facetious which, in fact, is most of the time.

    Erika, I'd guess that most likely your on-the-brink kid is pretty much up to speed on most things already, I was never one to really shelter or censor anything from my kid, but I was probably a bad dad, unorthodox parental skills no doubt. That's why I take a great deal of credit for her being such a great adult today, God knows she learned how *not* to behave from moi!

  6. LOL! I'm glad you find me amusing Mr. Doug.


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