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Moonbat on Wingnut

Starting off with correlating those of us "moonbat liberals" who have dared put down Brit Hume's jabbering about Tiger Woods, to the Romans feeding Christians to lions in primeval times, Matt Barber's write-up gets even more absurdly off-point after that.

Hume went on FOX asserting his own faith in Jesus Christ and continued on proselytizing that "the extent to which [Tiger Woods] can recover seems to me depends on his faith". Hume pontificating that Tiger the Buddhist really should do some rethinking and accept instead the forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the Christian faith for so much of that extra sex. "Tiger," he said, "turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world."

Sure, after the comments were made we moonbats were pissed and said so, although I would hardly categorize it as Barber asserts "apoplectic" or with "unbridled hate". And not quite because as Barber explains it that "nothing makes the left lose its collective noodle like an open proclamation of Christian faith."

Speaking of losing noodles... yikes. Here's the deal. We don't really give a rat's ass about Brit Hume's nor anyone else's affection, or disaffection for that matter, for Jesus Christ. Way off base to conjecture that we all have anything against the good Lord whatsoever, or that even from those that might, that this has any relevance to the flare-up after Hume's pulpiteering. It doesn't. Kind of making a wingnut assumption there in my moonbat opinion.

It has to do with speaking out against intolerant, pompous religious bigotry and Hume presuming to take upon himself defining Buddhism for Tiger's best interest in being that "great example to the world". It has to do with being exasperated by the my-god's-better-than-yours attitude regardless of whichever religiosity, and criticizing out of hand another's just as legit albeit dissimilar spiritual path as being misguided.

I would like to imagine this overall matter for Tiger the opportunity for practicing the Buddhist way in dealing with challenge. As it is asked, "Master, why do you put up with this useless man? He causes more problems than he solves," the befitting answer so goes, "his irritating temper and uselessness teach me everyday how to be patient and tolerant". Whodathunkit, the Hume and Barber lot as case study of Buddhism.


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