Difficult to express pissed-offedness in 140 or less but trust me, I am not a happy camper. Up until sometime early on in 2008, I was the writer of the Current Events blog for the 451 Press network.
I knew this part seemed screwy when I signed on with them: the agreement was that if and when I might leave 451 Press they could continue on using my content forever (for free of course), but that I'd still get byline credit. So I figured I was all right with that. Maybe not so much thrilled, but all right.
It was kind of frustrating after I did leave, I'll admit, continuing getting Google alerts via email of traffic to my old posts, a reminder that my content was still putting coin in someone else's pocket rather than mine. That persists to this day, the alerts, but I've grudgingly lived with it. At least my stuff is still getting read, and isn't that really the reason for why we write?
Until today when I happened across this article at The Writer's Well (I'm a few months late finding this out, but whatever) pointing out that 451 Press has "closed its doors as a paying blog network" and that they have left "all articles online from past authors, removed author access to the articles so the authors can't remove them, and taken all author names off of the article".
The bold part is mine. The bold part is what pisses me off most. The bold part is what violates the original agreement we had then; a contract which now I would very much enjoy the chance to boldly shove up past president Steve Shickles' ass.
Our stuff, still out there, presumably continues lining his pockets with the ad revenue coming in from what we former writers contributed, without so much as allowing for acknowledgment of us to whom the credit is due. Pisses me off.
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