Seems they must have intercepted my and others' directions for what to do, because I can't find one individual gay person who knows, either. Apparently part of it is to make straight people switch bedding with the reverse sex for doing it same-same instead, because that matters to us somehow.
Then if all else fails, we are called for to kill them. Plainly that seems wrong; I don't blame the wingnuts for trying to stop us there, we leaving behind so many categorical casualties in our homosexual order of business.
At least that's what you'd think we're up to, reading what douchebag Peter LaBarbera has to say about it. He the founder of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, who enjoys watching more gay sex than I do toward the cause of gathering dirty details for picturing to his Christian constituency just how sordid we can be.
But that's a whole 'nother mess of contention... back to how the gays are killing off straight people because they are not too keen about swapping teams. Particularly the younger folks, which apparently converting them young is also part of our agenda.
Like for instance, just over a year ago 15-year-old Amanda Collette became the "ultimate victim of homosexuality" (Pete's phraseology there) when this other girl, 16-year-old Teah Wimberly, shot her in the back at school. Because Teah was a lesbian and couldn't get Amanda to flip-flop on her partiality for boys, she just shot her instead.
According to LaBarbera, lesbian kills straight girl, ergo homosexuals kill straight people. That's right, asswipe. Blame it on the queer agenda, because never has anyone been murdered over unrequited hetero affection. Not ever has that happened, God forbid.
Then after pointing out in his article about this, how Amanda was that ultimate victim of homosexuality, he goes on to articulate:
"Regardless of what other factors were involved in this tragedy, it is not unreasonable to assert that Collette would be alive today were it not for the modern GLBT activist movement, which aggressively seeks to mainstream sexual deviance and immoral gay/lesbian 'relationships' as normal and acceptable — most tragically among young people."But wait, there's more!
"Yes, Virginia, there was a time in America when young women did not have to worry about sexual harassment and sexual advances from other young women. And the GLBT movement is first and foremost to blame for the rising number of youth who are embracing homosexual behaviors and considering destructive 'gay,' lesbian, bisexual, or 'transgender' self-'identities,' at younger and younger ages."Alrighty then. We've determined as Peter has broken it down for us, that gay youth gone wild, offing the straight ones for their pigheaded sexuality, is because of the gay movement making them do it.
Now if we could just figure out the puzzlement of what is going on about the straight youth gone wild, offing the gay ones for their pigheaded sexuality. Because of course, it's laughable to even consider such a thing as a heterosexual agenda; that would simply be preposterous.
Could it possibly be (and I'm just throwing this out there for consideration) that maybe there are just plain crazy nutjob loons out there doing crazy nutjob loon things from either side of the sexuality lot, behind no movement or agenda at all?
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