Late this year I'll have my final one beginning the last year of the fourth decade of my time on the planet, starting my fiftieth year which is a very disturbing thought. I know I'll still have another year after that before it ends, it's not like I'm thinking this year's birthday ends the run; I'm not that retarded as everyone celebrating 2010 as the start of a new decade still nearly a year away.
But psychologically, the thought of the five-oh closing in gives me the willies. As absurd now as it seems, my twenty-fifth birthday bugged me for some reason about getting older, and I've nearly doubled that already. In no more time than that flying by again, it will be seventy-five, and so on and so on. That was certainly quite optimistic of me with the so ons. That's what is disturbing, I'm running out of so many so ons.
Time for a bucket list, I suppose. Nothing grandiose, I'm not that ambitious to match what some people aspire to do before the end. Just a little bucket, more like a sand bucket really, of things I've always thought but never have applied myself to achieve.
For example, first on my list is to finally learn CSS, those cascading style sheets I have kept putting off for some future time to overall understand. I've done my share of playing around with already written code and have gotten happy little earthquakes when it worked out all right, but mostly that has been just been luck.
So it may not exactly be climbing Mt. Everest or some such nonsense, I told you it wasn't a very big bucket, but it's mine for the kicking later on and my list to make now. Plus I need list items that allow for frequent smoke breaks and preferably staying seated much of the time, neither of which would be apt hiking the Himalayas.
Not that anyone the hell cares, I know that. If you've read this far you should probably have made better weekend plans. Only posting it here to obligate myself to follow through with it, and why I titled this as I did. Because like they say, if it's on the Internet, it must be true. Now I just have to do my part to prove that.
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