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Showing posts from August, 2008

Gusty Gustav

Hurricane Gustav is looking pretty scary after all. I figured the early hype about him battering New Orleans with all the rage of Katrina was probably just knee-jerk worrisomeness, it couldn't be so bad. Understandable the Cajun concern, but I didn't expect so much, what really were the chances? Well, it certainly looks now that those chances are actually pretty good! Holy crap, here they go again. The hurricane pounded Cuba today as a category 4, I think it was, and is expected to even strengthen heading across the Gulf on a beeline for the Big Easy. Mayor Nagin is calling this the " storm of the century ," which I guess will then relegate Katrina to lesser status than she's held for nearly three years almost to the day before Gustav kicks her ass. "You need to be scared," Nagin said. "You need to be concerned, and you need to get your butts moving out of New Orleans right now." I'm at least glad for the mandatory early evacuations this...

Boondocks Me

Want to get to know the real me? Well, here I am. These are my people, this is the core of me, really, and I am damn proud of it , too. I know these same houses, these same trailers, no stranger to these same livestock running amok, the same tin roofs and the gravel roads from the song, too. And yeah, this is where I will always feel most at home. Not unfamiliar with the outhouse, I might add, but apparently nothing rhymes lyrically with that. Probably not so much song-worthy anyway. So this is the real me, y'all, truth be told. Little Big Town - Boondocks

Killer Blog

A federal jury in Idaho sentenced Joseph Duncan on Wednesday to death for shooting in the head at point blank range and killing a 9-year-old boy in front of his younger sister after kidnapping them and sexually abusing the boy back in 2005. He videotaped the whole thing, replayed for the jurors' viewing pleasure, of him sexually abusing and torturing the boy Dylan Groene, hanging him from a wire noose and then eventually shooting him in the stomach before the fatal shot to the head, while little sister Shasta watched. Duncan pleaded guilty, hard to deny one's own video evidence, I suppose. Also a guilty plea for having earlier on bludgeoned to death with a hammer Mom, boyfriend and older brother Slade. This the same guy who also faces a first-degree murder charge in California (like it matters now, with the death penalty thing) for the 1997 kidnapping and murder of Anthony Martinez , who was 10 when he was forced into the car at knifepoint after being asked for help finding ...

Barack In Da Hood, Michelle Rocks The Rockies

Hey, Barack Obama is right now just down the road from me, within walking distance even! Silly that for whatever reason this makes me feel all sunny side up, I know, but it does. Yeah, that family he had dinner with tonight and the home from where he watched Michelle's most excellent speech, then beaming in live to Denver afterwards is only a few blocks from my house. I mean, I knew he was here in Kansas City today, just didn't realize he was actually hanging out in my very own neighborhood. Why does this sort of thing make me all gaga anyway? He's down the street ... so what? I'm such a loser, or maybe I should really just get a life. I might should probably check into doing that sometime. Obviously, it's not like he's going to swing by my house to chill for awhile on his way back to the hotel or anything. Although that would be coolness. I'll switch on the porch light just in case, but I digress. So tonight was the first of the Democratic National Conven...

Biden Time

For some reason my circadian rhythm has totally been all out whack lately. Whyever, I've seen dawn break before hitting the sack more often than not the past several days. Therefore, I was still up the other night when, although it had already been practically announced anyway, it became official the Obama-Biden ticket. I was very excited! Okay, I'll admit I was still thinking maybe a last minute Clinton surprise , but Biden was certainly my next in line fave. I kind of figured it would be him, really, having heard Obama say just the other day he wanted someone who wouldn't basically suck up to him and would instead say so when opinions might differ. And that's without question Joe Biden. "Fantastic" has become my most recent favorite word to overuse (I have mental issues) so, yeah, fantastic choice this. Here's what did piss me off, though. Dumbass Ron Fournier of the Associated Press's report about the Biden selection. More so like a freelance op-ed ...

Homeland Stupidity

Hey, want to get pissed off? Come on, of course you do. Read on. You know how we all feel so much safer now what with the fantastic Department of Homeland Security heading up all those agencies protecting us from terrorists and other scumbags who want to get in? (Not to forget the genius behind that color-coded threat chart thingy. Excellent safety measure thought up there, and so pretty, too!) But were you aware that some 83 immigrants have died (tallied thus far, anyway) while being detained by the DHS for interrogation? I had no idea, until I happened to be reading some of the deceased's post mortem stories today. Blood boiling and even scary. This recent example , though, of border protection gone terribly awry is the one that most notably caught my attention and made my ears blow steam. A brief synopsis of the sequence of events follows: - Michael Tony Futi was born in January of this year at a hospital in American Samoa , by birthright an American national if not quite rea...

Obama's Backup

All right, I know I said I was sick of all the media veepstakes speculation and ramblings. But I did hear this evening that apparently Obama is on the verge of announcing his pick! Very excited about that for some reason. If nothing else, it should cut at least in half all the veep chatter, but mostly I just really need to know. From what I heard anyway, he arrived at his choice last week while getting leied in Hawaii. Apparently the chosen one is still oblivious, however, so I suppose I'll most likely have to wait to find out until after Barack's people have called whoever the other's people, but I do hope they make that connection sooner rather than later. I don't know why this pleases me so. I think mostly because I've been holding off on a bumper sticker until I can get one with both mates' names. I felt like such a loser driving around town with my John Kerry solo sticker back when, what with everyone else sporting the later Kerry-Edwards printing. I coul...

Faith Forum Faceoff

I was advised by a friend that I maybe should add some sort of explicit content warning on my blog, a parental advisory thingy. Yeah, like any kid hasn't ever heard "fuck" before. Or been on the Internets or watched TV or seen a movie or listened to radio ... whatever, okay. Bad words, I know. I'll try to tone it down. So anyway, what the f*ck with this f*cking faith on trial thing on MSNBC tonight between Obama and McCain to prove who's the bestest Christian ever to rule the world? I tuned in anticipating being really just totally p*ssed off at both, what with so much blatant pandering to the evangelical constituency. Made myself watch it, though. Okay, I have no life. Nothing else to do, really, truth be told. I know these evangelical folks are seemingly for whatever f*cking reason the deal makers or breakers when it comes to politics, and what with two most excellent representatives of Jesus' modern day disciples in the finals, I guess it shouldn't ha...

Loving Porn Stars

I was watching some porn thing today. A documentary (don't know the name, I didn't catch the start of it) on regular TV, not anything like what I might normally happen across on my usual porn forays. No, this show wasn't even porn at all, but instead about the porn stars themselves and their real life relationships with boyfriends, girlfriends and even some husbandry and wivery going on amongst a few of them! I found it intriguing and disturbing at the same time. It was interesting, though, how every one of these partnered ladies and gentlemen (or in a couple of cases the gentlemen and gentlemen) seemed to be able to totally distance the sluttier of the two's occupation from their own personal relationship. How can that possibly be? Almost without exception they all justified it with the standard "at the end of the day, she (or he) comes home to me." Like that's a good thing. I don't get that at all, personally. I probably really would prefer if after ...

Condi, Dear Condi

You are absolutely correct ... this is not 1968. Good catch! Also that part about how inappropriate the behavior of the Russians invading Georgia intent on occupying and overthrowing the government there. So presumptuous even as to expect to get away with it. "Things have changed," you said. I must have missed out on that breaking news story but good to know, better late than never! Of course, I'm thinking you might should probably have swapped out 2003 for 1968 as a more current example to contrast this apparently most recent rule change from then to now, really, but whatever. Either way, still very well said. Not too shabby for a neocon bitchbot.

Pot and Kettle

President George W. Bush has securely homelanded again. I was hoping he might extend this Beijing stint thing throughout all sixteen days over there, representing and stuff. Damn the luck. Anyway, he's back. And totally indignant about the whole Russia vs. Georgia grudge match! Harsh words he had concerning the latest overseas fiasco, and even I will have to give him props and two thumbs up for good points well made. "I'm deeply concerned about the situation in Georgia," he said. Rightly so. Although I'll admit when I first heard this his opening statement I figured he might be thinking Atlanta burning or something. I don't give the guy enough credit sometimes. My bad. Then about the Russians' blitzkrieg marking "a dangerous escalation in the crisis. The violence is endangering regional peace. Civilian lives have been lost, and others are endangered." Thank God he recognizes the importance of regional peace-keeping. Most significant the saving ...

Myself Revisited

A comment on yesterday's post referring to one of my earlier ones prompted me for whatever reason to review some of that past stuff I posted at a different time on a different blog. Bad idea. Proved to me that I clearly suck more often than not! Sorry, folks. But I did happen upon this one thing that I posted last October I thought worthy of reposting here. Edited, I did cut much of the original. I always want do-overs anyway so that worked out great. Feeling all warm and fuzzy inside today for some reason. So from me before, I'm blockquoting my own self from days gone by: "Juan Mann (obviously a pseudonym, but a good one) is the Aussie who started the Free Hugs Campaign . "Not that he had an agenda, or a plan … he was just pretty much down on his luck. He had nothing, had no one, and he just needed a hug even if from a stranger in an airport. "Well, his soliciting for hugs turned into quite a movement, and spread like a virus! "Until, of course, the author...

Et tu, John? Welcome to the Club!

Look, no links whatsoever! Bad for SEO and all that, but hardly worth my time or effort. Google if you've spent today under a rock. So John Edwards was porking that (ahem) campaign videographer chick with the fake name, Reille Hunter. Probably still is, that's my guess. I don't care. Can't say that I blame her for giving it up, he does have a fantastic smile and nice hair that I wouldn't mind mussing myself. Really one of the hottiest in the political pool. You'd think she might have at least taken away from these trysts if nothing else some beauty tips, but that was apparently not so much the priority at the time. Have you seen the woman? Yikes. All right, so he came clean to Elizabeth a couple of years ago about the whole very tsk-tsk affair and then after his remorseful repentance and her getting over the subsequent scorned-woman-eye-gouging-and-probably-some-nut-crushing rage, they apparently agreed to sweep it all under the rug. Kiss and make up. Time for h...

Things That Got On My Nerves Today

Veepstakes. Sick of that oh so clever play on words. Literally hours of programming courtesy of every cable television news network, giving face time to their respective assemblage of talking heads speculating which of either candidate's multiple choices might or might not be chosen to understudy in case things should happen to take a nasty turn for the worse at some point down the road. What reason or purpose even for all this discussion? Total waste of time. We'll know on the candidates' own timetables (or time horizons) whom, so who gives a fuck anyway what these bobbleheads think or why? What does it matter? Of course then, no doubt the opportunity for all the follow-up broadcasting of the same pundits squawking either about how "I told you so" or going on about why such a bad choice if their bets did not happen to pay off. Also the incessant babble about McCain's stupid-ass and waste of time, pointless ad with the Barack-Britney-Paris celebrity ménage à ...

Highway of Holiness

I live in Kansas City and Interstate 35 runs right through it. I've logged no doubt thousands of miles on that highway getting from point A to point B around here over many years, and never once aware that all the time spent backed up in traffic was most likely a blessing really more so than the bedevilment I thought at the time. Sacred freeway it is apparently, foretold by Isaiah way back when, and I never knew! Probably should have watched my language, not to mention so much flipping off done. Now I'm feeling all contrite about my past driving behavior but trust me, it won't happen again. Ahead of his time by a few thousand years that Isaiah, what with his infrastructural clairvoyance and stuff. (Notice, too, how he even made a point to throw this into his 35th chapter?? Very clever dude.) "And a highway will be there; it will be called the way of holiness." - Isaiah 35:8 Watch and learn. I really have no explanation though how come after all these years cr...

Holy Snot Rag!

I just woke up about fifteen minutes ago from a nap. I know, it's midnight I should probably have just gone to bed, but whatever. Anyway, thank God I did not! Because I awakened just in time (I'm thinking divine ordinance really) to this preacher man on television giving out his phone number for me to call in and order my free Prosperity Prayer Handkerchief ... that will make me rich! Plus his website address, of course, so I had to check him out and guess what? He's an apostle! His mission apparently to spread free hankies to the poor. Green ones even. Because money's green. I would never be so selfish as to keep this most excellent good news to myself so I'm sharing this with you all, my visitors. Get your free money hanky here , and you're very welcome! Note that it is personally, apostolically blessed and anointed by the man himself. Note too that it does come with instructions, so not to worry about figuring out on your own how to apparently blow dollar bil...

¿Por Qué Fronteras?

This whole immigration issue, I don't know really. I understand the concept of protecting our borders crap I suppose, but on the other hand, they are stolen borders after all. Am I the only one who thinks of this fantastic sea to shining sea nation of ours to be actually nothing more than just the lucky end result of so much collaterally damaged bullying? Always the focus seems to be on the Mexicans crossing over into what used to be theirs even, until we sent their brown asses packing to the south of our arbitrarily declared new border. With a big friggin' southerly exposed KEEP OUT sign. Right aside a samely oriented HELP WANTED one, of course. (I don't think "samely" is even a word. I make shit up sometimes.) So like I said, I really don't know from bupkis on this one. Someone enlighten me on why this immigrant thing is such a big deal anyway. I guess I might not be so country-proud as others. I admittedly tend to lean mostly toward the hippyish way of...