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Hillary's Handiwork

Okay, it's most likely a given that Hillary can't win the nomination. We all know that. And I really don't think for one second that she's so dense as to really believe otherwise, either ... so it's a real headscratcher why she insists on suffering through to the inevitable end come August. Self-inflicted humiliation, that is.

While the Clinton Conclave continues to manipulate the numbers (talk about your fuzzy math!) I'd rather have hoped, after all of her constant harping about tossing her divisive hat into the Obama ring if things should go awry, that she'd have by now already committed to the greater party good. Alas, not so much.

I've figured it out, though. Like any actor, well-rehearsed and having suffered sleepless nights to nail a role, it's understandable why she would wish the show to go on ... despite critical review. As this video from earlier on seems to indicate, she has presumably been hard at work honing her campaign-performance skills for quite some time.

I think she's simply loath to call for the final curtain now that she's got the part down pat, character gestures and all. This is funny.


  1. I go back and forth on this, today: Senator Clinton is making history. Mothers can now actually tell their daughters, "One day you could be President." McCain is who we should be beating up on. Leave Hillary to her place in history. When en no longer rule the U.S THEN we can toss off such hanger oners. She knows she can't win the election, but she knows, as a woman, that she is winning something bigger than her initial goal.

  2. As far as the video, all public speakers better be good actors, or they will be as boring as stones.

  3. I do admire the woman very much, I'll admit. I also wonder if I were in her historical shoes if I would maybe not take it all the way, too, for the reason you said that she is (no doubt) winning something bigger than her initial goal. I appreciate that, but as a voter, I think she's proven the point and needs to drop out. You're right too that without acting chops all public speakers would be "boring as stones." Lord knows I've nodded off during many a keynote speaker's remarks over the years at business conventions and such. I certainly don't want a president who will put the entire nation to sleep again. Time to get someone in there to wake us up.

    Whoever this woman is does the best Hillary ever. She makes me laugh.

  4. Doug,

    I've always liked Bill Clinton, but I never gave much thought to Hilary. Now, I don't care for her or Bill. It's shameful the way she has run her campaign! I don't have any respect for her and I surely don't admire her. Her actions and comments are really deplorable! I would like to see a female president one day, just not her.

  5. Rain - I admire her for running and, like Diane said, she is making history and I do think, altho I don't like or trust her so much as the first potential female prez, that it does open the door for future and hopefully better women to run. I always really admired Bill, but I have to admit in being disappointed with his behavior during her campaigning, he kinda is an embarrassment. I'd still take him back as president, however. Gobama!


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