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Bitch Of The Week

Not to harp on all things gay (I hate when that happens, although I know I'm as guilty as anyone from time to time. Like now. Sorry.) but this pissed me off. Nothing like being outed to your parents by your homophobic bitch high school principal, eh?

Daphne Beasley, to name names, of Hollis F. Price Middle College High School in Memphis (what the fuck is a "middle college high school" anyway?) asked her staff for the names of students who were presumably paired up, ostensibly to be better-equipped to curb public displays of affection on campus. Compiling and posting a list of couples in order to put fellow students and faculty on red alert for inappropriate hand-holding and such.

Sounds like someone might be in need of a coupling herself.

Of course since moms and dads seldom, if ever, set foot on a middle college high school campus, parental notification was no doubt in order. According to the school, Daph "felt it appropriate to notify the parents of those children she knew to be involved romantically."

That, of course, included calling the folks of Nicholas and Andrew, a couple of students just recently begun dating. Although the two had never apparently been observed by any school staff engaging in any manner of PDA, they managed to make it onto the bitch list. The principal called Nicholas’s mother.

"Did you know your son is gay?"

According to Mom, who apparently was unaware, the principal asked this repeatedly, elaborating to say that she didn’t like gay people and would not tolerate homosexuality at her school.

Nicholas, who had just made the Dean's List (certainly the kid has a knack for making the lists!), also had submitted the paperwork with several teacher recommendations to travel to New Orleans to assist in rebuilding efforts. With a history of community service he was considered a given ... until a teacher told him that some of the faculty were afraid he might “embarrass the school” with his gayness. A few days later, another student who hadn’t even applied to go on the trip was selected as his understudy.

So Daphne Beasley wins my Bitch of the Week award. Congratulations, and well-deserved.


  1. Is there SOMETHING we can do, write to? How about contacting Keith Olberman and suggesting he nominate Daphne as Worst Person in the World?

    I'm so depressed about this. But am glad you wrote about it, Doug. People need to know the anti-gay "agenda" is alive and (un)well.

  2. When I was in 10th grade, I reached out and patted the hand of my in the closet lover and word of that 5 seconds spread across the lunchroom and throughout the entire school by the next day. 1972 Peer pressure dealt with it. Scaring off my lover and we never sat together again. My rescue was my place in Drama class and plays.
    Why am I surprised a bitch would ruin a family like this? Homophobia is alive and well around the globe. She deserves the award.

  3. Amanda - Pathetic, ain't it? The thing is, there was a level of outrage, it just didn't get much attention. Certain groups called for some sort of at least an apology, but of course the Memphis School Board ultimately said she did nothing wrong, so that was that. I think the ACLU is trying to take some action, but it doesn't look promising. I feel sorry for the kids, and for their parents, too. This crosses a line that no one has apparently drawn.

  4. "She deserves the award."

    Thank you, Diane! Sad that much of that 1972 mentality is still out there still today.

  5. Hey Doug! Did your dogs (and you-ha) finally find a home where they were "selectable"?

    Terrible story, but this:
    "(certainly the kid has a knack for making the lists!)" was funny!

    And, this:
    "... until a teacher told him that some of the faculty were afraid he might “embarrass the school” with his gayness."
    Has the bitch ever been to New Orleans???? He would be welcomed! They should make him the school's ambassador to N.O.

    Welcome Back.

  6. Erika ... it is kind of laughable, huh? Yep, this kid would no doubt be a welcomed ambassador to N.O. I am sure, if not for frigid beeyatches like this. (Okay, that's an assumption, but still.)

    Still looking for a family home, but hey, I've decided that until I'm flat out told to leave (howdy, sheriff!) I'm holding on here for now.


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