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Memorial Day Slap In The Face

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't even go there. I tried, but after three or four attempts at a fairly respectable Memorial Day post yesterday, blah blah blah ... each effort invariably took a most nasty turn so I gave it up.

Most likely put off course by the extreme rabid indignation I felt after listening to that pathetic excuse for a president human being deliver his rote speech at Arlington National Cemetery, "paying tribute to the troops."

"It is a solemn reminder of the cost of freedom that the number of headstones in a place such as this grows with every new Memorial Day.

"In a world where freedom is constantly under attack and in a world where our security is challenged, the joys of liberty are often purchased by the sacrifices of those who serve a cause greater than themselves ...

"Today we lift up our hearts especially those who've fallen in the past year
Indeed, that headstone count certainly has grown with every new Memorial Day without a doubt, the tally of the past five years being particularly noteworthy.

Thanks for doing your part, sir, to remind us just how high the "cost of freedom." Now please explain again, you fucking fuck, what the hell exactly these overmuch 4,000-plus to date graves have to do with our challenged security and constantly-under-attack freedom?


  1. Bush and McCain are so out of touch have been for awhile. I once thought of putting one of those counters on my blog, you know the ones that count the deaths in Iraq. I thought about it and it's easy to just glance at the numbers... what about the faces behind those numbers? It's heartbreaking when I think about the lives lost and the the lives that will be lost. It makes you feel powerless.

  2. I side barred it, Doug. But I hear ya. Bush, did you catch him at the Air Force Commencement address?---one of the cadets behind him kept fidgeting and grimacing and I couldn't tell if he was going to vomit on Bush (sorry fella, but I was hoping)or pass out or piss/poop, and he had to clap when prompted---each movement I was waiting and Bush was going on about our strong troops yada yada, it was a Daily Show moment...I hope it goes on UTube.

  3. Doug R,
    sent you mail. You have some explaining to do.


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