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Georgia outlaws microchip implants: "Just imagine having a beeper in your rectum and your beeper numbers displayed on billboards throughout the city."

Well, that bill passed, the one from Georgia "so as to prohibit requiring a person to be implanted with a microchip," Senate Bill 235.

At least it made its way through the House Judiciary Committee, anyway, next stop the House Rules Committee that decides whether it moves on to the full House vote and (fingers crossed) final passage.

I'd think it probably should, taking into account the compelling testimony brought up at this last hearing, from some fat lady about why non-consensual chipping should be made against the law. There she described in detail her own personal experience, with being implanted against her druthers: "I'm also one of the people in Georgia who has a microchip," she began. ("Also one?" There's more of them there?)

She went on about the specific disadvantages, how it violates one's "right to work without being tortured by co-workers who are activating these microchips by using their cell phones and other electronic devices." (Okay, now I know this is a completely serious matter here, but as far as office pranks, I can't help myself thinking that this would be a total hoot!)

"Microchips are like little beepers," she further told. "Just imagine, if you will, having a beeper in your rectum or genital area ... and your beeper numbers displayed on billboards throughout the city. All done without your permission." (Just imagine, indeed!)

"This microchip was put in my vaginal-rectum area," she said, planted up there somewhere, I guess. It also beeps, apparently, which you'd think might make it fairly easy to track down more specifically exactly where in that area, but what do I know from lady parts? It's been awhile since I've been there, done that, and not particularly something I really wish to remember much about. Still, though...

And those beeper numbers, I wonder what that is all about! Just why should they be displaying her digits on billboards throughout the city anyhow? It does seem rather a violation, nefarious even, especially considering it's the Department of Defense that implanted her with the device in the first place!

Nothing at all like your ordinary (and mostly accepted these days) space alien anal probing, nope; this was a government thingy, and when the government gets all up in your ass like that (or wherever down there) without your consent, that's going way too far. And you know how Republicans are about the government butting in thataway!

She's been trying, through the courts, for the past eight years to get them to un-implant her, but so far not so good. Maybe now that her story has been made more public, and now that Georgia most assuredly will be added to the list of other states making it illegal to stick things in people without their okay, something might be done to finally get it out.

California, Wisconsin and most recently Virginia have already outlawed microchipping their own citizens for whatever reasons, not the least of coincidental perks, it should be noted, perhaps thwarting via legislation the end times and the Apocalypse. Suck that, Antichrist!


  1. What a waste of taxpayers money. I think the court should have ordered a mental evaluation first and foremost.

  2. A definite waste. The bill's sponsor was my state senator. He is infinitely corrupt (a Republican, of course), so he is probably profiting in some way. He admits that this is not a problem, so he has to be profiting. He owns a lobbying firm that lobbies his Senate committee and just today it was noted that he has sponsored a bill that will be an advantage to one of his partners.

  3. No surprise there. I did some checking on the sponsors of the bill, I always am curious about where from and why these things are sprung. Funny two of the sponsors named 'Chip', probably just amusing to me.

  4. Mental evaluations, that's just crazy talk.

  5. I work with a guy who has been harping for years about how microchips are a part of Antichrist's One World Government scheme. Glad to know my home state is taking this threat seriously. Now if we can only get a bill outlawing tattoos on the right hand and forehead!

  6. Too funny. Politicians who are insane?!! Who would have thunk it?

  7. In Oregon my family has been microchiping targeted People at the dentist and gang stalking and destroying there lives and even murdering them with the help of NSA and CIA and the state and city police departments and FBI for over 40 years the police help buy caling the victoms who suspect they are chiped Perinoid its the new warld order police state and its already been heer for over 30 years and getting wors Steven Tyler is in my family his CIA Satanic Cult uses the chips to track and stalk Children they want to target for Sex slavery they get the kids surounded buy scum like them buy always traking them chiped people have no privacy its like being buged every chip has a chanel that NSA gives the cult members to program into police scanners hand helds there are over 60 million Amaricans chiped already and every time one is born they chip another one WAKE UP any questions call me 503-709-7407 read the book Bridging tHE Gap buy GMB Baily also read Behold a Pale hours buy Wiliam Cooper wach the U tube Movie The Thrive Movement Please wake up and help others do the same I have lost over 10 realitives to the NSA MAFIA Satanic Cults that run the Police departments witneses and Victoms are written Tickets for teeling the truth its considerd a national security violation Ticket . How do you think CIA sex slaves stay inslaved for life wake up the police help the CIA buy writing the slaves tickets for anything they do to get out because its a national security secerit Not for long if I can Cange it I am one of John Lennons 1/2 brothers his real Biological father was captain James c Quinn Portland PD killed 1969 lennon was one of several kids from his WW2 acros the pond travels Quinn was from the blood line of kings still big in secerit orders cults Aluminatti blood all the big Rock stars are from the same blood lines Mic Jagar Sammy Hagar Ozy Ozborn BoB seger Edy money Don Henly Elvis Presly its all a big Army inteligence Perp family scam and totely coverd up buy the Media WAKE UP WAKE UP my family has already destroyed Rock Music and chiped most of its own members Dont let that scum destroy your family also .

  8. families like mine are them selves a natianal security secerit brothers and sisters and other relitives often or not aloud to tell the truthe about who they are related to so the mafia families can network with each other and NSA in secerit so secerit they can get tickets for violating national security for telling the truthe theses secerits are helped to stay secerit buy Perps that write adds making fun of notes like mine they perps cover up the truth with lies and denlile and miss information they call people who tell the truth Crazy and Perinoid or any slander they can come up worth forgive my speling i was never aloud to finish school because i would not submit to child sex slavery when you wont convert in steven tylers family they try to kill you or at least destroy youy life at any age to discredit you to cover up the family secerits like steven and his many other relitives in the Bi sexual Army inteligence CIA Mafia Music industry and Police departments in and around Portland Or they are Pedifiles and so into narcotics trafiking and sex slavery for the Army they murderd my Grandmother Mabel l Quinn 7725 sw stewart st Portland Or 97223 to steel 50 million dallars worth of cokain that was baried in her yard back in the sisxtys she was an inicent women they forced her to sighn papers with the help of stevens niece Joan Jett and some Cops in the family like sargent Mike Oconnen washington County and Jim mclausmen Portland cencral pricinked then stold the house wich was my inharitence the murder has been coverd up for over 6 years now I will pay a million dallor reword for anyone who can get the Hells Angals or the Mongals to bring that trash to justice or who ever it takes the police are puthedic weezel Homo scum on a brave day around here licking my families boots for pay offs for there retirments


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