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Top Three Things That Annoyed Me Today, In No Particular Order And For No Particular Reason

I - Come on, seat Roland Burris already, it is after all going to happen anyway and probably rightly so but I'm sick of listening to him politically masturbating his own ego proclaiming himself the Illinois junior senator, his wet dream job apparently. Fine, point made, he should shut up now and the media should shut up about it too, undoubtedly he's only a placeholder anyway for another year or so. Jeez, make everybody happy and get this over with finally, move along. Blagojevich, criminal brilliance there with that appointment I must give him credit for, despite his whole weird hair thing which does still raise some concern about his overall mental wellness.

II - Really? After ten years of your kid gone missing you decide maybe the time is right now that you might call that in to the authorities, since that eleven-year-old boy disappeared missing person is now of age at twenty-one the time is right to worry finally? Well, he did used to have a tendency to run away as a kid, out of habit, but never for quite so long as a decade, maybe starting just now to be a bit concerned. And they even justify the waiting for going public, not having wanted to over-react or anything. Little wonder the boy's inclination to get out of the house since forever as a moppet, but either the CSI will eventually soon uncover a shallow trailer park grave with a child's remains inside it or if not, I certainly wish godspeed to the man who finally got away, Adam Herrman.

III - Gap-toothed Condi Rice totally gung-ho now behind the ceasing of fire thing betwixt Israel and Palestine over that whole mess of the Mideast tussle, a plan offered up by France and Egypt by the way, who really cared enough to actually step up to the plate and put out some sort of maybe option for consideration. We, on the other hand, with Condi at bat not wanting to piss off really our bestest of like-minded Israeli admin by directly pointing out their example of mostest bad behavior (rest of the fingers might end up pointing back west, that kettle pot thing we try to avoid being so obvious about) wiser to just slink into the pulpit after the fact, alongside some other nations with enough balls trying to stop the craziness there.


  1. LOL! I loved this post. Your wit always entertains me. Now I think Blago knew how this would look, which is why he picked Burris. The Democrats shutting the door in the only African American Senators face. They even made the poor guy stand out in the rain.

    Condi, is a big failure !


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