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Israel v. Palestine, Whodathunkit?

There will be no peace while Hamas controls Gaza. Holy shit, that I learned from some editorial headline I read today.

Yeah, stupid me for not remembering how peaceful that neck of the woods before Hamas was handed over the reigns. Democracy in action which, again proving my lunkhead self, I thought was a good thing we were trying to spread around.

All righty then, so yeah ... now once again more stupid rigmarole headed up by the arrogant daffy chieftains killing off and maiming other folks just for the sake of bragging rights really, our BFF Israel versus whatever Palestine. Same old story. Way of the world I suppose, particularly over there in that part of it.

Give me a break, enough already. Not even going so much back into the forever history of why all the strife, just looking at the now with after a week of blasting and at the moment Israeli troops prepped and ready straight away to head in with boots on the ground, our buds into Gaza, it's all the same old bullshit.

Of course the aerial clobbering is planned to continue, I'd reckon though that they might probably tend to focus a bit more on accurate targeting what with their own bit players below, good guys duly tanked and booted to take on the reprobates.

That headline, the no peace as long as Hamas controls Gaza? Of course not. Nor was there beforehand, nor will there be ever after. Brainless whoever wrote it, hardly breaking news or anything there.

Here's the deal for the most current ballgame, plenty enough bad to go around. Israel gave up Gaza awhile ago, back over to the Palestinians to whom it belonged anyway. Cool beans, Jews not really so happy about it, though.

Then Hamas who would like nothing more than to quash Israel comes elected thanks to that democracy-rules crap we preach. That backfired big time, but all right, then yada yada and things eventually settled down for awhile.

Cease-fires I do find amusing, it's like after so much rubble and blood and gore and carnage and body parts strewn willy-nilly that the powers that be on either opposing side deciding to just stop playing the game and I guess calling a time out. Funny how easy that, just something I always find puzzling.

Anyway then inevitably someone will piss off the other and it's game on again. Like now. Gaza as Palestine, fine, but despite all the rhetoric from our country's fuckbuddy Israel about them having pressed play to start up the game again by shooting off those Qassam rockets into Israel, let's remember also something else.

We Israel not doing so much to help out our their own reputation amongst the Palestinian commonfolk by laying seige and blockading off Gaza from cargo crossing over including all basic goods for sustenance even. Despite being dissed by almost everyone except the United States, of course. I have a feeling mostly just ratcheting up a larger assemblage of those who wouldn't mind going Qassam on Israel's ass either.

Which then pisses off more those commonfolk across the Israeli border randomly shot at, so the hate spreads from both sides. Seriously, I understand I suppose the whys of both sides of this forever rivalry but wonder when maybe someone in charge someday might possibly wise up and put aside arrogance and save some scores of lives maybe for the better future.

Never gonna happen, I know, particularly so long as the United States that is for whatever reason apparently looked to for reconciling this mess. For decades now continuously, though, simply spewing meaningless rhetoric about the need for peace in the Mideast and heading up talks and whatnot, all just hot air whilst we continue to pump up Israel's arsenal.

Sick of the whole thing, sick of hearing about it, don't know why I bother to even rant about it. Nothing new over there ever, and like I said enough finger-pointing to go around but bottom line from both sides, the conceit and behavior from those at the top trickles down and the hate spreads from there. And so it goes, on and on ad infinitum it will continue. It's sad, though.

So no, there will be no peace while Hamas controls Gaza, that's true. Nor peace whomever takes over next, nor peace while the United States as though joined at the head with Israel gives no consideration to the Palestinians' right to co-exist alongside whilst certainly giving heed to keeping Israel battle-axed to the hilt.


  1. Great post! I hope that Obama will be able to do more than what Bush has done to bring both sides together.


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