So Monday, I attempted applying for a job online with GE, one of those six-step application processes. Just after step two, after clicking Next, I was popped up with some message about not meeting the minimum qualifications for the job.
For the record, by step two I'd only covered providing my name and address. I guess maybe I don't live in a qualifying neighborhood apparently, getting pretty strict about applicants' whereabouts eligibility. Kind of jumping to conclusions there, in my opinion.
Anyway, they had the requisite Contact Us link, so yeah, I clicked on that about it, because I'd rather be poor there in some available crap job than altogether homeless here. Also it just peeved me, so I was thankful for that email customer service option to vent, just asking what was up. This was the response sent back to me.
Thank you for your interest. Recently, when submitting your application for employment, you received a message that you did not meet the minimum qualifications for this position.I suppose based on my personal information short of even the ability to submit my resume, it is to be assumed that I for whatever reason must have been wrongfully terminated at some point, unworthy of completing the final four steps of even applying for the job.
In the event that someone is unfairly terminated we would request that you provide documentation of wrongful termination. Please fax your documentation, your information will then be reviewed and you will be contacted regarding the next step in the hiring process.
Moving on, also then the next irritation yesterday, the Time Warner Cable folks here have a new and exciting live webchat customer service option. Finally! Problems with their bills and such and impossible to ever manage getting a rep on the phone, I gave that a shot as it couldn't be any worse and thankful they had branched out to the live online help instead. Thought it was a nice touch.
So I duly provided in the comment box the nature of my question or problem, mine about trying to work out resolving billing issues with them to keep up my cable Internet service and bringing the TV service back to just basic cable to save some bucks, then was advised to wait for the next available representative.
Didn't have much hold time until Mark the next up webchat host, yep, he was online and joined in my chatroom to help out only me.
Hi, I'm Mark. I understand you are inquiring about not having a dial tone with your digital phone service.Whaaaa ...? Holy fuck! Are you kidding me? I don't even have phone service nor would I ever through TWC, and I'd have thunk with keywords such as Internet service and cable television not to mention using the email address for my own account with them as the source of the inquiry, nothing phone, that even a bot might have picked up on something better than assuming a dial tone issue.
No job offer I'm reckoning will be forthcoming from GE and probably I'll be shut down online at any time since the "contacting us" and "live webchat" assistance links really just mean, well ... nobody's home. Kind of makes the waiting on the phone for thirty minutes to actually speak with a foreign person that you can't understand and who has no clue what the hell you're talking about either is maybe even the better option.
Sure, those folks are just as phonetically scripted and programmed how to respond and don't care so much either, but I'd rather know my getting pissed off at someone with a headset in India might at least recognize my indignation whether they understand so much what I'm saying or don't. At least I'd feel better blustering to a live person rather than being fed some automated back talk that will not only never be understood, not so much difference there, but also never even read nor paid heed whatsoever. Total waste of time.
Hey, if I'm going to stay unemployed and unable to salvage my home and online access, I'd be better off probably spending these final few days here perusing porn and YouTubing instead, until my wrongful terminations and dial tone issues prove my downfall.
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