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Showing posts from April, 2010

Incest is Best

This is a picture of an old lady and her grandson. They are in love. This is the first time in years Granny has felt sexually alive, and he has always been attracted to older women. So they are having a baby together. The pair of them paid for a surrogate with a viable egg for him to spunk. Awesome. Via this...

Blind Eyes, Seeing God Clearly

The other day I left this comment, mostly pointless to the original blogger's post , you know how things digress sometimes: "I once worked with a blind lady, she had no eyes, and one morning she came into the break room and said, 'I can't even see straight until I have my cup of coffee.' She also had a TV in her office, go figure." I forgot to mention in commenting, that she also wore eyeglasses... Got me thinking, though, about my time working there at Unity Village (especially how I should never have left for so many reasons, but I will spare you all that), and Kimberly Morrow in particular, the blind one in for the cup o' joe. Specifically, a certain article she wrote back then for one of the magazines I worked on at the time, Daily Word . Here's part of Kimberly's article, although it's a puzzler to me why I hesitate swiping it, since I seldom have qualms pilfering others' stuff (excepting that one time from Martha Stewart, but she...

Georgia outlaws microchip implants: "Just imagine having a beeper in your rectum and your beeper numbers displayed on billboards throughout the city."

Well, that bill passed, the one from Georgia "so as to prohibit requiring a person to be implanted with a microchip," Senate Bill 235 . At least it made its way through the House Judiciary Committee, anyway, next stop the House Rules Committee that decides whether it moves on to the full House vote and (fingers crossed) final passage. I'd think it probably should, taking into account the compelling testimony brought up at this last hearing, from some fat lady about why non-consensual chipping should be made against the law. There she described in detail her own personal experience, with being implanted against her druthers: "I'm also one of the people in Georgia who has a microchip," she began. ("Also one?" There's more of them there?) She went on about the specific disadvantages, how it violates one's "right to work without being tortured by co-workers who are activating these microchips by using their cell phones and other electro...

Happy Earth Day (Beware the Carnage)

Stupidity, thy name is Edward Hudgins : "Most individuals who celebrate Earth Day by cleaning up trash beside the road no doubt mean well. But ... the premises behind the eco-extremists are anti-human and, if acted on consistently, would lead to worse carnage than that wrought by communists . On Earth Day we should reflect not on the planet but on the inhabitants who can make it of value." I should have something to end this here, but all I can think to say is, "Huh?"

Hung on the Cross

So what, I'm not very mature for my age. I don't care, I'm easily amused because of it, and I enjoy being amused. Like this picture of a crucifix which was hoisted a couple of months ago above the main altar at the St. Charles Borromeo Catholic church in Oklahoma: I can come up with lots of hilariously inappropriate captions here, some that even I am embarrassed to admit thinking up, despite my unabashed crudity. I would share but probably everyone else is too sophisticated to see the humor. Plus, I really don't want to go to Hell. I'm guessing that there are an awful lot of Okie parishioners down there at the church where this is hung for real, who I reckon wouldn't appreciate my sense of humor about it, either. They are, in general, hugely offended by it instead, because they see nothing funny whatsoever about displaying Jesus' ginormous penis in church, not in the least bit! Seems as though this has caused quite a "deep divide" among members o...

Why the Bible is Divinely Inspired (Why Not the Qu'ran)

Arguments for why the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the Qu'ran, well, not so much. Michael Gleghorn is a research guy with Probe Ministries, so he knows how to research and probe stuff, to figure out such things. And here's what he came up with , reasons why he thinks one can suppose that the Bible is indeed the divinely inspired Word of God: "First, the Bible claims to be an inspired text: 'All Scripture is inspired by God' (2 Tim. 3:16). This does not prove that it really is inspired. However, if the Bible nowhere claimed to be inspired, then we would hardly have good reason to believe that it was. Thus, what the text claims for itself is important. So you see? The Bible is most likely the inspired Word of God because it says so itself, right there in its own pages, and also nowhere does it mention that it is not , which is just as important, as the Probe dude points out. Furthermore, answering to the question why the Qu'ran can not also be a divinely...

Dead Bunny, Alive Again Jesus, Happy Belated Easter

Well, I suppose you could call it a resurrection of sorts, or at least a make-believe one. Martha Stewart got a dead rabbit for Easter, stuffed into what she says was the most beautiful Easter basket ever. "Stuffed" being the key word, a taxidermic bunny. You can click here for a look-see on Martha's blog. I'd copy it, but frankly the bitch scares me and I'm afraid to pilfer her stuff. Also, that rabbit is just plain creepy. She also got an iPad, which made reading the comments there entertaining; her blogger buddies should learn specificity, which exactly of the uncalled-for two they were commenting about. At least for me it was amusing, but then again I'm admittedly depraved. "My husband really wants one of these just to try out & see what it's like ... Enjoy it and let us know how it is!" Heh. Oh well, I thought it was funny anyway. Of course, Jesus wasn't just pretend resurrected, He raised up from the dead for real; no Evolution ...