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It is common knowledge (some argue common sense) that I and similarly oriented sexual deviants are banned for life from ever darkening the doorways of our respective communities' blood banks.

Fine by me. I don't care much for needles and don't enjoy being pricked anyway, so it grants me an easy out to ignore pleadings for donations when, for example, a "didn't see that coming!" tragedy strikes with the inevitable consequent unexpected run on the bank.

Sorry, but if you happen to fall victim to the fated just-around-the-corner terrorist attack or some such calamity, don't look to me for a potentially lifesaving transfusion. Consider yourself a goner, bub.

Probably for the best, what with my probable taintedness and all. No, I'm not going to lie, I'll admit to having had man sex since 1977. Totally missed that cutoff date. My bad. Have a nice afterlife.

Getting real ... okay, fine. I totally understand the early '80s freaking out. Common thought that only boy homos and junkies got the AIDS back in the day, I get that. It made sense at the time I suppose, in a knee-jerk reactive sort of way; better safe than sorry.

But really, that mindset is so 20th century, don't you think? Even the American Red Cross, American Association of Blood Banks, and America's Blood Centers agree now that with current testing procedures there is no rational medical or scientific justification for turning away anyone, regardless of fuck buddy gender preference.

Still, the FDA won't budge on the issue, insisting on continuing to unfairly target gay men while ignoring health risks posed by straight folks, slut-inclusive.

Whatever. Yeah, I've read all of the statistics that the FDA holds up to justify the protocol. I'm a reasonable guy, not one to straightaway call "foul" just because something pisses me off personally without first hearing the proverbial other side of the story.

Props to the Feds, in fact, for attempting to justify their position by publishing an entire page devoted to answering presumably the most popular of MSM WTF FAQs.

Frankly, though, despite the admittedly rather disturbing gay demographic analysis, none of the "considerations" for "deferral" of all altruistic poofters really hold water. Go ahead, pick any one. I'll rebut (so to speak) every argument made on that laundry list of policy whyfors.

Finally, truth be told, I'm not really needle-phobic. That was a lie. Nor do I mind an occasional pricking ... but I digress. I'd gladly and willingly donate, given the opportunity. Honestly I would.

Unfortunately, what is true is that you will indeed be shit out of luck if, God forbid, you find yourself gurney-strapped and bleeding out due to some most unfortunate of mishaps, with me your only potential (and might I add, albeit inconsequentially, duly tested and disease-free) savior.

But let's be optimistic here, shall we? Look at the bright side. Like this kid says, "Hopefully one day I'll be able to help people." Just not this day, just not you, just not now.


  1. Doug,
    That totally sucks! Listen, I'm a wimp when it comes to meddles, I'd say if someone is healthy and they want to give blood...Let them.

  2. Thank you. I tried a couple of times when the blood-mobile paid visit to where I worked, but couldn't bring myself to lie on the questionnaire, so I was a no-go. Humiliating, in a way. Particularly when I knew of some of my co-workers who regularly slutted it up on business trips who were a-ok.

  3. That's ridiculous; I'm sure all the people on the down-low aren't admitting anything- all people should be considered equal risk because most people are liars. I really should donate since I'm a universal donor; I did add donor to my license though.

    My friend is studying to be a nurse and he is recently diagnosed HIV+ and his boyfriend has been HIV+ for over 20 years and is an ER nurse. I'm going to ask him next time we speak if this is disclosed info for working in a hospital.

    Doug, I'm like you- I hate to lie. I would say honesty is my highest virtue; I wouldn't do the questionnaire either.

  4. My last sentence should start with:
    if I were you...

    I haven't had gay man sex-lol :)

  5. erika - LOL! okay, your misfortune not having that opportunity! doesn't suck. er, well, you know.

    what's most stupid, probably, though, is that, duh ... maybe i didn't lie, but it would have been easy enough to do if I had wanted to. i'd reckon that my test results would probably have stood a better chance of passing than some of the others i know who freely donated . whatever, tho. it is what it is.

  6. Until recently I couldn't donate blood either, MS and all. Seriously, the reason they don't want your blood is because it might turn someone gay! Many people would rather die than be gay or have a child who is gay. Just think if people could CHOOSE who they got blood from/ how many bigoys would turn down African, Mexican, Chinese, blood? LOTS. A gay man's blood? Only good for spillin' (Dang I wish everyone gay would not go to work for one week---this country would fall to its knees.

  7. Hey Doug, What's ^? I thought of you yesterday while watching Velvet Goldmine. It was pretty good; I liked it best for the striking cinematography and the music(loved the Bowie covers!). You can tell when the actors were singing vs. when Thom Yorke or another singer- which is kind of funny that Brian Slade could sound like 3 different people. Ewan McGregor looked like he could have been playing Kurt Cobain, but he was great(singing, not as great-ha, but he did sound like Danzig once.) I thought the acting was top-notch and I like all of the actors. The only down for me was the ending...what do you think? Have you watched it again since you bought it?

  8. Hey Doug,
    We're waiting for you to update your blog. I hope all is well.


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