I started a new job recently. A job at which I now make as much in one week as I previously made in a single day. No shit. Before I let loose a diatribe against all things corporate, of which I was a part for way too many years and would thusly be quite qualified to do, let me just sum up by saying that I'm happier and more content now. Life lesson learned: through poverty one is taught the true meaning of prosperity. Life lesson number two: certain bills can be ignored without consequence, longer than you might think. Sure, I enjoyed my riches but I have to admit that I'm loving my rags even more. Maybe it's just a honeymoon period. Time will tell, but for the present I'm a happier camper. So now I sit not in a windowed office, nor in what one would even call a respectable cubicle, as I chat with and listen to others talk amongst themselves. Interesting juxtaposition of conversation, I must say. No disrespect intended toward my new batch of fellow employees (in fact, q...