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Highway of Holiness

I live in Kansas City and Interstate 35 runs right through it. I've logged no doubt thousands of miles on that highway getting from point A to point B around here over many years, and never once aware that all the time spent backed up in traffic was most likely a blessing really more so than the bedevilment I thought at the time.

Sacred freeway it is apparently, foretold by Isaiah way back when, and I never knew! Probably should have watched my language, not to mention so much flipping off done. Now I'm feeling all contrite about my past driving behavior but trust me, it won't happen again.

Ahead of his time by a few thousand years that Isaiah, what with his infrastructural clairvoyance and stuff. (Notice, too, how he even made a point to throw this into his 35th chapter?? Very clever dude.)
"And a highway will be there; it will be called the way of holiness." - Isaiah 35:8
Watch and learn. I really have no explanation though how come after all these years cruising I-35 that the gayness hasn't already been sucked out of me at 70 mph. I often drive with the windows down.

Guess I'll have to wait for a nearby Purity Siege. That might work.


  1. OMG! Why oh why did I have to watch that. This enrages me so.

  2. Yeah, I'm kind of embarrassed to even call myself Christian from this really, or even a Robertson for that matter since Pat is one of my clan. Crazy stupid shit. And yeah, like that one homo isn't probably right now out sucking dick somewhere. Give me a break.

  3. Okay, told ya so about the James Stabile gay guy from the video out probably fellating even as we speak. As I suspected. Bi-polar even, and off meds at the time of the interview, by the way.

    "If I could, I would take back everything I've said. I've hurt a lot of people in the gay community, and I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart.

    "I'm not here to get any attention. I'm here to say to people that I want to help prevent other young gay guys from experiencing what I experienced, because I don't want them to be hurt, and I was hurt really badly."

    Stabile, diagnosed with bipolar disorder about a year ago, said he hadn't taken his medication in 2 and-a-half weeks and had been drinking when he encountered the group from Heartland on the strip.

    Stabile said he told people from the church what he thought they wanted to hear because he'd decided he didn't like being gay.

    He even continued to go to gay bars after joining the church and moving in with the Heartland members.

    Copy and paste:

  4. How true the saying, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"!

  5. Wow...I guess I am somewhat "psychic." I watched the "horror film" and with the young guy thought to myself, "Poor young...probably unsure...caught at a time where he was vulnerable...don't "s"ee (emphasis on the whistling s NOT to make fun of the way some gay men speak OR to even stereotype, BUT as I watched I thought..."You are who you are honey...born that way, will die that way...and it made me sad)...

    As I was saying...I didn't "see" this "healing" sticking.

    My family is riddled (Mom's side) with born agains who feel it's their calling to "save" those of us who don't believe we need saving. Needless to say, I am not in touch much with them NOR do they know of my "psychic" happenings. They would probably try to set up an exorcism...ha...They know my son is gay...and...they just kind of..."know." I am sure they wish they could "save" him, but believe me, if they ever tried? He would tell them where to go in an SF minute followed by two snaps!

  6. He thought he could pray the gay away. Thanks for the link Doug R.

    I think we're related.

  7. The young man is not old enough to drink, never mind have relations. And I won't even touch the gay thing. :)

  8. anon, i'd "have relations" with him. he's cute. i'd overlook even his underaged drinking. god forbid i should be transformed in a purity siege, i might end up with that cindy jacobs bitch instead!


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