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Failin' Palin, Cool!

Scary to consider, but it's true ... Sarah Palin really almost makes George W. Bush come across like a brainiac genius leader!

Seriously, dudes. If she had been running for President on her own in the beginning, she would have been more so a laughingstock of the Republican party than even that loon Alan Keyes, which is saying quite a lot. He was funnier than hell, though. Comic relief never really such a bad thing, but my God, this woman is actually now in a position to head us all up once John McCain keels over!

It's pretty telling when her own party is openly confessing to lowered expectations for tomorrow night's debate face to face versus Biden. Personally, especially following up these recent handful of what-the-fuck-is-she-even-squawking-about? interviews, I think the debate might hopefully be the final nail in McCain's coffin. His campaign's coffin, that's what I meant to say.

And God knows he's driven in plenty himself, one would think. Surprisingly, apparently not enough. I'm guessing that Sarah will most likely pound in the last, and perhaps the death knell will toll in just over twenty-four hours from now. That would be awesome.

If I'm wrong and she happens to pull off somehow a stellar showing, I'll be the first to admit my bad jumping to conclusions. Although I don't expect that will be necessary. But in case of the unexpected, I'll humbly eat crow. Even going so far as sharing whatever shining examples of her potential brilliant performance, I'll bring 'em to ya.


  1. I love the poster and caption! It really jumps out at you. lol

  2. LOL! At the picture. It's really hard to watch Palin. She's so over her head.

  3. I fear expectations are so low that if she can just keep her foot out of her mouth, she wins. Luckily, this debate will probably have little impact on the campaign.

    Palin's popularity dropped like a rock once people started listening to what she was saying. It is now obvious she is out of her league. So much for McCain's judgment.

  4. "So much for McCain's judgment."

    Doug B., true that! Wait, a more modern slang would be: I cosign!

  5. The word palin should become a new slang word. It could mean a garbled answer or a bad or dumb job.

    "Man, I really did a Palin on that test!"

  6. "I fear expectations are so low that if she can just keep her foot out of her mouth, she wins."

    Yep, unfortunately for the most part I think she did manage to keep her foot out of her mouth. As far as winning, I think she fell short of that but I'm biased. I really just had hoped to have something to laugh about, but she didn't suck.

    Clearly, though, she's been crash coursing on these things which really proves nothing toward her ability to be in office, I do hope that much at least showed through. And maybe does point out, too, McCain's poor judgement.


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